
24 March 2021

Poncho reveal!!!

Now I did a sneak preview on my other Facebook page two days ago but it takes time for the old brain to get round to blogging it!!!  

I was asked a few questions about this long term Covid lockdown project so here are the facts!!!

This started off as a 'I want to make something but I'm not sure what' project.  I tend to work like that!!!  If I set a goal of a coaster, then expand that to a placemat and then onwards to a small cloth then it doesn't feel like a huge deal and that's what I've found works for me over the years.  Last September saw the start of this (whatever it was going to be) and the first post is here.

By the end of November I was thinking about it becoming a poncho but obviously still dithering if you look at this post!!!

By February it looked almost finished BUT then came another 'problem'!!!  The neckline!!!  It didn't fit and slipped off the shoulders.  I sort of knew that would happen so it was back to the 'drawing board' again and the bottom edging and several rows of neck edging!!!  

So finally after tatting 352 squares which each took an hour and a half (not including choosing threads and combinations and the row that I had to cut out - 8 squares!) and several weeks of edgings it's finally done.  

I used sewing weight threads throughout.  Usually two wound together onto a shuttle but sometimes three if they were very fine threads.  Have I run out of sewing threads?  No!!!  I've still a healthy supply but they're mainly the colours that I didn't particularly like.  Will I do another?  Hmmmmm, I'll take a rain check on that!!!!  


  1. This is really as gorgeous as inspirational, and it fits you beautifully - amazing!

  2. Your poncho looks fabulous, Jane!

  3. Wow, that looks amazing Jane. A truely beautiful project.

  4. Wow, that looks amazing Jane. A truely beautiful project.

  5. Totally awesome and a treasure!!!!! :)

  6. Gyönyörű munka, örülök, hogy elkészült, tudod viselni tavasszal :)🧡

  7. This looks great! I love the size of it.

  8. I totally love your poncho and thr beautiful model too! I'm going to try make one as an accent top for dressup! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Beautiful and kudos to you for all the work. I really like how each square is different due to the HWT. I hope you wear it often.

  10. Oh wow, it’s fabulous! A wearable work of art.

  11. It’s a work of art, beautiful and love the hair too

  12. Awesome, thanks for explaining the process. I have been in the process making a table cloth. Each block has 5 rounds ..5 hrs each. I have 30 rounds connected. Your pancho is an inspiration to make one!!

  13. Amazing on every level Jane! The amount of work involved and it’s just so beautiful. Now for the COVID restrictions to ease so that you can wear it out and about. Bravo!

  14. Wow that came out wonderful. Jane you did great I didn't think I would like it but now I want to make one. Thanks for adding to my to do list. LOL

  15. I am truly speechless! It took me a full minute to comprehend what I was looking at! At first I thought it was a lovely knitted or crocheted garment. Then I enlarged the photo and almost fell out of my chair! Over the past several months I would see various stages of what I thought was another colorful table runner as you worked on joining the squares, and I guess I missed the idea of a poncho. When you shaped the 'V' I wasn't sure what that was for, although I was impressed how you did it.

    So NOW I see WHY you were doing the V This poncho is SO SPECTACULAR! Not only the tatting and 'engineering' skill involved but the fantastic colors! It's difficult enough shaping knitted and crocheted garments, but tatting is another ballgame I'm so glad to know this won't be hidden away in a drawer!

    And it's not as if this was your only 'project'. Among many other tatted items (plus working with the sewing machine) you were creating a new TIAS, and doing stuff with the computer that I can't even comprehend. Plus I know you spend time walking hither and yon (amazing scenery) around the neighborhood. I'm quite envious of your energy and your ability to fulfill goals.

    Congratulations on this amazing WORK OF ART. You should get many, many compliments on it!

  16. Simply love it!!!!!!

  17. Oh my stars - fabulous Jane! Just fabulous

  18. Wonderful!!! Great work, this is Art!

  19. Wow, that is simply awesome! I had some doubts along the way that it would be too colourful, but it looks really good on! Congratulations!

  20. Anita Barry2:09 am

    Wowsie Jane! You're the adventurous tatter! Love your poncho! It's quite the colorful creation!
