
5 April 2021

Moaning Monday

Value for money.

We all like value for our money as it’s not easily earned.  So this is my ‘take’ on how to get value for your money.

Firstly I’d like to say how I price the items I have for sale in my Etsy shop.  Basically I charge according to the time it takes for me to make the item and NOT for the design itself.  I must admit I’m not out to make a living wage!!!  Nowadays, and with the items I have in the shop, I’m sticking to the things I have already on my pattern page and anything new is not going to be added to the pattern pages for some time - if ever!!!  That seems fair to me.  My BC3 so my ‘baby’!!!  I aim to ‘earn’ about £2.00 an hour - well below the living wage but it’s my hobby. I still have to pay tax on my earnings too but I’m doing it as a hobby and not to make a living.

I’ve researched Etsy sellers until I’ve nearly lost what little remains of my sanity and come to a few conclusions.  This is with regards to tatting - obviously!!!!

Items made and sold as physical items.  Now these can be designed by the seller or made from somebody else’s design.  There’s a vast difference.  If an item is made from a pattern that’s already been published then that item ought to be sold at just the time it takes to make with accreditation to the designer.  

If, however, the person selling the physical item has spent many hours designing it in the first place then it’s another area.  Perhaps that person should ask for a little more for their time and trouble.  

IF a person designs and then produces a PATTERN for sale that involves a LOT of work then that should attract a fair price.  There again there needs to be value in that pattern. By ‘value’ I mean it should be truly original, well presented and easy to follow. Many designers are now producing patterns that are many, many pages long and one I looked at recently was like that and was one which I could’ve published myself in two pages.  

A few years ago I was asked to test tat a pattern that was well over thirty pages long.  I’d be interested to hear how many people would be prepared to download and PRINT a pattern in colour that took so much ink and paper.  Please comment if you would.  I feel that we have a duty to save our planet by NOT encouraging waste of resources.


  1. Great flowers!! :)

  2. I was going to say I would never, ever purchase and print out a 20 page pattern, but wait, I did print out Mike Lyon's Lagniappe. The exception then, is there may be that rare, huge pattern that really does require a lot of pages. But I have little patience with those patterns that take so many more pages than they need. I want the written pattern and/or diagram, and a clear photograph on as few pages as possible. I don't want extraneous artwork or huge fonts.

  3. Anonymous8:29 pm

    I don't think I would print a 30-page (or even a 20-page) pattern at all, but certainly never in color. I tend to print everything in black-and-white, even the things that are color-coded. If necessary, I'll highlight the colored areas after printing a short pattern, but I'm not likely to tat something from a lengthy pattern. Yes, I like large projects, but generally those large projects can be printed in few pages, or they're given in single-round installments online every week or so. I don't want gigantic fonts or page after page of unnecessary 'art' pictures, just a good diagram, written instructions, and a clear photograph.

  4. Thanks for your input Martha and StephanieW. I think the three of us are all on the same ‘page’ over this.

  5. Wow, what pattern could be 30 pages long? I imagine it would be something without many repeats or something so complex they would need to explain more advanced techniques used.
    I think people with long patterns are afraid the buyer will think they are getting ripped off if they only get 2-3 pages...
    I agree about sparing the poor trees... I myself tat in front of the laptop and keep the pattern on the screen while also playing a movie or something. After a while i learn it and don't even need to check it anymore.

  6. Some authors confuse "pattern" with "tutorial." If I want to be taught a new craft, or a new technique, I'd be willing to print a few more pages. But when it's just a pattern, I agree with the others above, give me a clear and correct diagram, and clear directions using standard notation, and only add "other stuff" if there is some tricky bit or unusual technique.

    I love your clear and concise patterns, Jane! And your technique sheets are wonderful--nearly all are a page or less, and I've found myself printing out those that I use. Yes, there are videos out there, but once I've done a technique, having your clear instructions as a reminder is all I need!

  7. Thank you so much, Hallie. So pleased I can help.
