
1 April 2021

So DO pigs REALLY fly?

Well that is the question!!!  

This little chap (at the top) flew into my shop a few days ago and the following day he was joined by his pal!!! 

Now I've heard heated discussions between these two as they lie in my Etsy box waiting to fly onto their next home.  

Pig number one has white cotton thread wings and pig number two has silver glittery ones.  They're arguing about which wing is ergonomically better for speed of flight!!!!  I sometimes wonder what I let myself into when I'm tatting!!!!  

The pattern for the pig can be found on my pattern site.  There are two versions - one made with the onion ring technique and one using chains instead.  These are, however, new wings which I've given them.  


  1. I hope they'll soon be flying to a new home!

  2. One has already gone, Jane and loads more with it!!! Got to stock up again!!!

  3. So cute. I've been looking for a dog bone pattern. Do you have one?

  4. I’m afraid I don’t have one, Sara Beth. I may get round to it one day but at the moment I’m working on other bits and bobs!!!! Sorry.

  5. Your flying pig is one of my favourite patterns from you! I'm sure these two will fly off your Etsy shelf quickly!

  6. One has already gone, Lavi and the other one is very lonely!!!!
