
18 May 2021

A new batch of

Over the past year or so I've heard mention that the Roly Poly Tat Bags I made years ago are beginning to wear out so I've decided to make some new ones.  As I've got the Etsy shop up and running (with sales going well) I thought I'd add some Roly Poly bags to it.

Problem is - they have to be made and this takes time!  

Here are 24 all cut out with their various bits and pieces to make the bags.  What you can't see here is the linings which are pinned underneath!

You also can't see the zips either as they've not arrived yet!!!  I waited until I'd got them all cut out so I could 'match' the zip colours to the bags.  I get my zips from Rickety Rose who provides a great service and super zips.

I just looked up in my Etsy shop to see when I started making the Roly Poly bags and it was back in 2008!!  Makes me feel old!!!


  1. Mine haven’t worn out! but I’ve always loved the roly poly bags. Exciting news.

  2. They've lasted well then.

  3. Eek! So much for me having money... Lol.

  4. Wonderful!! A change of pace. ;)
