
15 April 2022

Another hat

Well this one was a BARGAIN from a charity shop.  Of course it 'had' to be decorated, didn't it?

I actually sprayed both hats with Scotchguard - not to make them waterproof but to try and keep them from not getting 'quite' so dirty 'quite' so quickly.  I wonder if that will work?

The large motifs are the new one I put on my pattern site last week and the butterflies are the SCMR one also on my site - somewhere!!!  


  1. Very natty! My favourite butterflies.

  2. The hat looks great! I'm learning to like pink, mainly because my daughters tell me it's a good color for me. However, I my head gets hot just thinking about wearing a hat. I'll leave the hat wearing up to you!

  3. I’m not a hat person either, Diane but needs must! Either that or more problems ahead.

  4. Great decoration!!! :)

  5. LOVE, Love, Love your hats! So much nicer than plain ones. Plus, spraying them with Scotch Guard seems like a wonderful idea. You'll enjoy wearing them no doubt, and they'll bring cheer to others who smile when they see them. Kuddos!

  6. Thank you, GoldenMom. With the hats and my patchwork jacket people can see me coming!!!! That’s probably what they go the other way!!!!

  7. Anonymous8:30 pm

    Ooh, this hat is even better! It would be hard to decide which one to wear. Your color choices are always beautiful.

  8. charming!!! Job well done
