
6 April 2022

Finished blanket

This is the blanket I started waaaaay back to use up my stash of yarn.  It’s a good sized knee blanket as opposed to one for the bed.  Why?  Well I didn’t run out of yarn (reduced it by half) but I got bored.  Just couldn’t face another 11 knitted squares (at least) to make it bigger.  So I put a crochet edge around it and ‘called it a day’!!  

This will get donated to a charity - just got to find one that wants it.

For those who’ve not seen this before here’s the link to the pattern which I used and which meant no sewing the squares together at the end!  Win, win for me!


  1. A knee- sized blanket would definitely be appreciated by animal shelters. I had an uncle who never flew, but travelled everywhere by train.When he visited me he always used to ask for the small bassinet sized woollen blanket I had for my babies. He said it was the perfect size for night travel.
    Uncle Lionel died a very long time ago, but I still have the blanket!

  2. Handy not to have to sew squares together. It’ll find a good home.
