13 April 2022

Patchwork project

The start of another idea.  

Pamela in Ireland gave me this duffle bag (second picture) waaaay back in time.  I used it a lot and it’s a really sturdy bag.  I re-found it recently lurking underneath other odds and ends and decided that it was waaaaay too good to be sent to a charity shop and even more waaaaaaaaaaay too good to be thrown away..

As our poor old planet is suffering from global warming and as I have leftover fabric from the patchwork jacket which is here I decided that I should cover the bag with the leftovers from the jacket!!!

Each square is 2” and I need a lot of those to cover it.  

I now ‘need’ a bag when I go places where I need to ‘park’ the new hats and that’s a ‘problem’.  I need something to put the hats in that I can hang on the back of a chair - or whatever.  

If you can’t follow my ‘reasoning’ then don’t worry.  My brain works in a strange way!!!


Jane McLellan said...

It'll be bright and jazzy so you'll be able to find your hat with ease!

God's Kid said...

Great idea!!! :)

Rose Anne B said...

I love that type of bag for walking, light and only what I need not my regular shopping purse/tote. Great idea Jane! And I totally understand the reasoning as I've left behind my hat, gloves, ear bags or water bottle while stopping for coffee!!! Should have thought to put it inside my tote - DUH ME!!!!

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Happy Beaks

Happy Beaks
I beg your pardon? I didn't quite catch what you said.