
27 June 2022

Monday moans x 2!

I was talking to another tatting friend the other day about the history of our craft - and what is known about it.  I just loved this saying that she sent me when we were discussing a matter that had occurred online when a relatively new tatter had broadcast something which wasn't actually right.  She (my friend) said that this is 'a case of someone who knows not that she knows not' which summed up the whole thing.

It seems to be happening more and more that people will come into the craft and assimilate a little thus become a self acclaimed 'expert'.  Humility is a wonderful thing.  I certainly do NOT count myself as an expert on tatting (or anything else for that matter) and will happily tell people that, although I've been doing it for rather a long time, I'm still learning.  I also approach others for confirmation (or otherwise) when I think I've stumbled on something new or when I do a technique page etc. for them to check it over.

The only piece of advice I could give to all new tatters is to study the craft and get a feeling for 'who did what and when' in the past.  

Another moan - yes, two for the price of one this Monday!!

The other day I was asked to help a‘ lady with a free pattern she'd found on the internet and I happily agreed.  I asked her to send the link or the pattern as it was 'free' and when I looked at it it was obvious (if she'd read to page 6) that this was a 'sale' pattern on Etsy.  

Sadly I had to tell her I couldn't help as it would be a copyright issue and suggested she contacted the seller.  I then told the seller that I'd been sent a 'free' pattern of hers and that I'd asked the person who wanted to make it to ask her for help.  

Now the interesting thing is - this pattern (or, rather, idea) was first shown in an Elgiva Nicholls book but the Etsy seller didn't know that.  Elgiva covered it in two sentences and the Etsy seller made it cover six pages.  This comprised of a WHOLE page for the title, another for the abbreviations, one for the pattern (text and diagram), another for a photo of the finished item and two more pages for copyright information etc.  I thought we were trying to save the planet for future generations.  What a lot of paper and ink - bring back Elgiva and the people who write patterns that are concise.

Time I got ready for 'Keep Fit'!!!!


  1. Happens in all spheres I'm afraid, that people know not that they know not! I read some comments about wool the other day that were wrong on so many levels I was gobsmacked.

  2. I'm happy to have my personal library, so that I can verify what I think before I speak! It's surprising how many times I've been wrong!

  3. Love your moans X2 this Monday. Wholehearted agreement with both, although I think you're much too humble. In my humble opinion you are indeed an expert in tatting, and you have often helped me with techniques, etc. so there's my "two cents" on that. I truly wish folks would respect copyrights too. Whenever I give a gift with someone else's design (yes, sometimes yours Jane!), I include the designers name and country of origin (as I think the person getting the gift would find that of interest too). Carry on Jane! Your moans make me feel better too.

  4. I guess it does happen in alll crafts and spheres of life too, Jane.
    I have a good library of the old patterns as they were new when I bought them although I wasn’t even born when the Mrs Beeton’s book of Needlework was published!!!!
    Glad you enjoy my moans, GoldenMom. That’s good you include the designer’s name and I suppose the country of origin is interesting too!!!! Hope to keep making you feel better in the future too!!!!

  5. Cute penguin!! :)
    I am finding lots of antique tatting patterns for sale online, and lots that I know are free in the antique library. I keep wondering if it's legal for these people to sell these free patterns.

  6. I’m not sure about that, God’s Kid. If the pattern is out of copyright then I guess it’s OK but the buyer should know that it’s an old pattern rejuvenated.

  7. Anonymous4:27 am

    I’ve seen antique published tatting patterns for sale on Etsy and have wondered how people can sell what’s not (knot) theirs!

  8. I quite agree, Anonymous but on the other hand the tatter who's prepared to pay for patterns should do their own research first. There are hundreds of free patterns readily available online. Many modern ones too.
