
24 August 2022

Fandango finished

Well here it is - finished.  You’ll see I put another row on to balance the centre and I think it works.  

Now to give it to Jayne and hope she likes it.  

Now to get on with other projects and try and stop myself starting anything else!!!!


  1. Fabulous! Jayne will be delighted. Yes, I like the outer round that connects to the middle.

  2. Looks fantastic!! :)

  3. Lovely! I agree that the outer row sets it off nicely. What a lovely gift for your neighbor.

  4. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Jane this project is perfect as all of your work is! I started Needle Tatting for relaxation around 1999 until my husband of 46 years passed in 2018. Viewing your fabulous work for many years makes me want to start tatting again. Should help me cope by keeping my mind busy.

  5. Thanks, Jane - I’m glad you think the outer row is right as a last row.
    God’s Kid and GoldenMom - thanks too.
    Anonymous I hope you return to tatting and get some peace from doing it. Oddly when my ex left me and I had many, many problems to face I didn’t tat. That was over 30 years ago and halfway through my tatting life. To keep your mind even busier you could try shuttle tatting next. A familiar craft with added concentration needed?

  6. Anonymous7:55 pm

    It's fantastic! Your neighbor will be so delighted with it. The dark outer round is a perfect 'finish' to the rest of the piece.
