
22 August 2022

Monday moan

I have been told the following over the space of two days when I was banned from a Facebook group to which I never belonged.  See the previous two Monday moans.

The moderator of the group contacted me on Thursday to ask if I was referring to her group in my last Monday moan and I told her I was.  

She says she believes I've been offended for not being allowed in (to the group), sour and hurt.  She’s told me I’m not the sort of person she wants to fraternise with, and that she’s not particularly fond of people who carry a superiority complex.  Also that I have an archaic attitude, but she’s seeing that amongst ‘you older tatters’ a lot.  

She said we (us oldies) want respect but don't give it.  Finally she said “I am done, you’re a rude piece of work who is used to getting her own way. You couldn't get in so chucked a tantrum.”

Isn’t it nice to know who your friends aren’t?  

Thankfully the conversation appears to be over after 24 hours of abuse and other nonsense.  All because I know a lot of tatters in that part of the world and wanted to join the same group as them.  No worries - I've joined another group in that country who welcomed me with open arms.  I'm a happy bunny!!!


  1. Goodness, what an unpleasant experience. Sorry to hear that. Onward, onward, there are a great many of us who respect you, your tatting prowess and your generosity in sharing it.

  2. Thanks, Jane. It won’t stop me being - me!!!!!

  3. I can make an educated guess about the group, and it’s such a shame- but what is the other one please, so that I can join it too?
    Groups and Facebook can be a lot of fun and a wonderful place to “meet” like minded people, but the problem is that text on a screen is necessarily written and received subjectively, and these hurtful misunderstandings seem to happen so often.
    It’s a new week, onward and upward!

  4. Oh, my! I'm at a loss for words. Why are so many people so cruel?

    1. Anonymous9:06 am

      Always 2 sides to a story, his hers and the truth.

  5. So sorry that you have encountered such rudeness. You don’t deserve that kind of “drama”. Glad you found a group that welcomed you.

  6. What an absolute ARSE!!!

  7. I’ll email you privately with the name of the other group, Maureen. This wasn’t so much a misunderstanding as a downright flow of verbal abuse. Still it’s all blown over now.
    Wish I could answer your question, Diane.
    Thanks Phyllis. It’s not as if I take part in much on Facebook anyway!
    I think the same, Crazy Mom!

  8. So sorry to hear that happened to you. Talk about "rude"! And the phrase "you older tatters"! I am an older tatter, too.

  9. Oh my goodness! I cannot imagine anyone being that nasty to you Jane. After all that you do for the tatting world, I would think that any group would benefit from your expertise and experience. I know my own tatting has improved as a result of your generosity in sharing techniques and patterns. SO glad that you're a "happy bunny" now that you've been welcomed to another group. That second group is one that will benefit. Hop away there happy bunny!

  10. Anonymous5:22 pm

    Jane don’t believe the junk that came from her!! You are a wonderful person who helps anyone who needs it
    And you give so many wonderful patterns for free

  11. Some people are so full of themselves that they don't realise that us 'older tatters' have a wealth of help and advice to pass on to the next generation..... Been there, done tat, got t-shirt, as the saying goes!!! Heaven help them when they get to be 'older tatters'!!

  12. It's not really a problem to me, Marilee. Rudeness just shows her up and as for being old - nothing I can do about that. I'm old and proud to have got to almost 79 without any health issues so far.
    GoldenMom - even at the worst of this stupidity I will always be a happy bunny as years of experience have taught me to hold onto the most important thing of all - a sense of humour.
    Thanks, Anonymous.
    Well Pigimini that's true. I won't be around when she's an 'older tatter' unless I come back to haunt her!!! Now that's an idea!!!

  13. Anonymous4:29 am

    Time to move on Jane, not even one in the world likes everybody. I personally don't have time to keep up with every tatting group on FB. So don't worry about it.

  14. I've moved on (first Anonymous) because the whole issue was so unfounded. IF I'd ever belonged to the group in question and IF I'd been rude in that group or stirred up trouble then I could understand it. It's all a bit of a mystery.
    Very true, (last Anonymous). Unfortunately the truth is so often lost in favour of a person's self esteem.
    Water well under the bridge and life moves on.
