
22 April 2022

A new knitting basket

I hate to throw things away and after taking apart the waistcoat which I fell out with I had the two balls of variegated 4 ply yarn to ‘deal with’. 

The balls of plain purple and green are becoming a scarf which you can see here.

So as I needed another means of containing the yarn while I’m using it I crocheted a ‘basket’. I’ve used the two balls of yarn together to give it some ‘body’ and it seems to have worked.

21 April 2022

Finished duffle bag

I did enjoy this challenge and the best thing about it is that I haven’t ‘damaged’ the original bag at all and could easily ‘restore’ it in the future. This is what it looked like originally (second picture). 

Now I’ve got a bag, which I’ve always enjoyed using, but which is a bit ‘brighter’ and in which I can put my cup which I take with me when I go ‘walkabout’ in case I ‘need’ a coffee while I’m out!!!!  Also I can put my hats inside when I go indoors without losing them!  

If you look at the last picture and the one above it you’ll see I’ve lined the bag and that I’ve used the original metal eyelets as they’re very well reinforced.

20 April 2022

Mimi’s snowflake

It’s always a delight and a surprise to see that people actually use my patterns and none more so than a well known lady in Tat Land. Mimi Dillman who is a fantastic teacher of the cluny technique in tatting. How do I know that? Simple - I’ve been in two of her classes over the years.  Here’s Mimi’s page which is WELL worth a visit.

She wrote the other day to show me the Scintillating Snowflake she’d made and she did comment that her bugle beads weren’t ‘quite’ long enough so she’d added a seed bead to the ends of them. 

 Now this made me realise that when I did the other pattern using this technique, which you can find here, I did put the extra bit in about using 4 seed beads instead of the bugles. When I get the time (and inclination) I’ll add that to the Scintillating Snowflake pattern too.

19 April 2022

More progress on the Coats doily

Now back in the dark ages (well, not quite!) I started on this doily and you can see the progress I’d made just over a month ago.

Well I finished the next round of motifs and have just started on the next round. The end is in sight but it won’t be happening any time soon as I’ve been distracted by ‘other things’!!!  Just tracked progress back to the start of this project and it was on the 7th March so it’s going pretty well - for an old lady with just a BC3!!!