
6 March 2023

Monday ‘sort of’ moan

This isn’t really a moan but it IS Monday and it’s what my BC3 does once a week - it thinks!!!  Yes once a week and for a few minutes!!  

So over the past few days I’ve ben thinking about onion rings.

Not long ago I spent time with Judith Connors (she lives the other side of the world to me!!) as she has a super way of doing really neat onion rings. Here’s the link to her way.

So when I decided to make a doily (more to come on that another day) with onion rings I thought it was a good opportunity to really practice this. 

WRONG!!! The onion rings in the pattern aren’t really onion rings. They look like them but they aren’t. I must admit I’d never thought of this before and I’ll also admit that it’s the way I used for the pig and the elephant but I’m now thinking they ought to be called 'mock' onion rings!  Why?  Well because the outside of this onion ring just ISN’T a ring - it’s a chain!!!  I know I’m stirring the pot a bit but does anybody else think that they ought to be called a MOR (mock onion ring)?

This is a blurry picture but you can see what I mean - not (to me) an onion ring but a ‘mock’ onion ring!


  1. Well, as one of Judith’s acolytes, I have to agree with her, and this is the way I have always made onion rings.
    It’s good to be back to Monday Moans!

  2. I would have to agree with you. ;)

  3. Anonymous2:52 pm

    I agree with you. MOR makes sense, since it's a chain, not a ring that makes the outer 'ring.'

  4. Yup, a chain is not a ring, so mock it is. And none the worse for that, I’ve used it several times.

  5. While I tend to think the 'onion ring' description refers to the layers of knots rather than the way the element is made, I have to agree that MOR is fitting.

    In this case, would this mean that the single-shuttle formations are the true onion rings?

  6. Judith - that’s what I think I’d call the single shuttle formation too. It’s only the ‘chains round a ring’ that I think are mock onion rings. I set out to do a new pattern to practice your way of doing the onion ring (which gives such a neat finish) and was disappointed when it turned out to be just a chain round a ring!
