
10 October 2023

There’s nothing like

Scrummaging through a friend’s button box!!!

This was last week at a neighbour’s house when we were looking for the ‘right’ buttons to put on the bunting.  We’d made (well, Jo made) bows to add to the places where the bunting is going to be tied onto the posts.  Just to hide the ends.  Well, that was a good excuse to have a rummage through Jayne’s button tin/tins!!!

Oh we did find the ‘right ones’ in the end but we had such fun searching for them!!!


  1. Button tin searching is lots of fun!!!!

  2. Looks like a good collection!

  3. Oooh, what fun playing with a bunch of buttons! She has some really nice ones.

  4. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Love my buttons. Too many though.

  5. Your friend's buttons are much nicer than the ones I inherited from my mom (mostly whites and darks). That sure looked like a fun time searching through the stash!
