
6 May 2024

Monday moan. Cut off in my prime

There’s a Facebook group which used to be my favourite place when it was run by it’s original owner.  Unfortunately she disappeared and the group was taken on by three others.  

There are now two admin and one moderator who keep the list going.  I had no idea what the difference is between admins and moderators until I googled it and this is what I found.  ‘An admin is a person who created a Facebook group and has complete control over its settings. On the other hand, a moderator is someone who assists the admin in keeping track of the group's activities and ensuring that everything is running smoothly.’  All sounds like a good idea to me.

A few days ago in this particular group there was an interesting discussion going on about designs that people have done and which are very, very similar and could be classed as copyright theft.  This particular conversation was not accusing anybody of theft but was more about the fact that ‘accidents do happen’ in simple generic designs and this was being pointed out and discussed.  

What I am very puzzled about is the fact that the moderator put a total stop to the discussion.  This felt to me as if we were being treated like naughty children who couldn’t be trusted to behave when in fact it was developing into an interesting discussion.  I am now wondering if it was because the moderator has insufficient knowledge or expertise in our craft and was afraid of the outcome.  

No matter - I will not be offering my opinions on that list again.  There are other groups where life is a lot more comfortable and discussions are allowed to continue even if it does lead to a lot of disagreements.  Everybody is entitled to their opinion and we should all learn to live with that fact.


  1. Jo Davies11:04 am

    You are absolutely correct - well said. Where has democracy gone!

  2. Perhaps it hit too close to home for the moderator.

    1. Annamaria11:29 pm

      Not at all my dear, I know how to do my job in spite of ppl thinking I don't. Nipping arguments in the bud is practised in every group. I dare you to start an argument in any group, let's see how far you'd get. Happy tatting folks :)

  3. I agree, well said. It's a shame to shut discussion down.

  4. Well said my friend.

  5. Anonymous3:54 pm

    I might not have as much knowledge about tatting as you do Jane, but I know enough to see when trouble is brewing. It was an admin decision to close the thread on that post, and you like everyone else should know Admin decisions is not up for open discussion. I've heard so many times from you that you're not going to help, don't worry love, there are other people around who have terrabites of knowledge to share. The world doesn't revolve around you dear. As for "our" craft, I thought tatting is everyone's craft worldwide. Oh and just in case you're wondering I'm aware of your discussion with the lady in question and also I'm aware of her reply to you. As for you threatening me again with leaving the group, seriously now, again? Oh and it's I, Annamaria, the mod who is posting this. Have a nice day :)

  6. Annamaria4:10 pm

    I might not have a huge amount of knowledge about Tatting like you do, Jane, but it doesn't take a genius to spot brewing trouble. However with all the accusations and threats you threw in my way let me tell you this. The decision of closing the thread on that perticular post belonged to the Admin, therefore you should know like everyone else in that group that admin decision is not up for open discussion. You keep telling me you'll leave the group and remove yourself from the "list", what list is that again? But feel free, there are other people in that group who have terrabites of knowledge about Tatting since the days tatting got into magazines. Trust me when I say this, the world doesn't revolve around you anymore. As for "our" craft, I thought tatting belongs to everyone world wide. Oh and just in case you're wondering, I'm aware of the discussion between you and the lady in question about a certain pattern and you pestering her for ages and I'm also aware of her reply to you. So do us a favour... Create, tat, enjoy this wonderful craft and stop this nonsense. Happy tatting, take care :)

  7. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Jane I am sorry that happened to you. You were one of the people who helped Georgia in the PINKPIG, Correct? Unfortunately, you have joined a large and growing group of nice people who have been removed or bullied on the group. (Just saying LOL) One person said they were removed without knowledge of why. Evidently, tatting does not belong to everyone just the biggest, most all-knowing bully. I do not know everyone in tatting but I meet a lot of mean girls lately that were not part of the early group. Is it the Kool-aide?

  8. Anonymous - I’m not sure about Pinkpig, to be honest, but I did loads of drawings for dear Georgia for her online classes over the years.

  9. Annamarie has no clue about the effort involved in tatting and especially in DESIGNING patterns. I know that you, more than anyone, just wants the pattern designer to be acknowledged. Seems simple enough. And not have their designs stolen - especially for profit. I've delt with this situation myself as a designer.

    Sorry that people can't see it that way.

    1. Annamaria11:24 pm

      Dear Anonymous, the name is Annamaria, and I DO KNOW the effort that goes into designing a pattern, and if you're a member of the group I'm moderating please check the files where you'll find a document about Copyrights. So please do not tell me I do not care because I do. And dear old Jane knows this too. Happy tatting, all the best :)

  10. Annamaria11:26 pm

    Ops, correction, that was for CrazyMom, not Anonymous. Sorry about that 😜

  11. Jo Davies8:43 am

    It is such a shame and so unnecessary for a moderator/administrators to bring so much unpleasantness to the group. What is the matter with them? I can only think that it is because they have their own inadequacies and enjoy the 'power' that they have through Facebook. Tatting is a craft for people's enjoyment. People join groups to share ideas, seek advice and celebrate their achievements. They won't want to do that anymore if they think that people behind the scenes have a different agenda.

  12. Jo Davies8:50 am

    I am one of the members who was removed and blocked for no reason. Unfortunately, you may find that Annamaria does the same to you as she is unable to cope with anyone who speaks up. It is such a shame as she would be losing a very valuable member of the group.

    1. Annamaria9:13 am

      Seriously Jo? Do I need to remind you that tge admin booted you (not me) because you were against them to bring in another mod, because you at that time were alone and enjoying the same "power" all by yourself? And you were trying to vackstab me? Dearest how fast you've forgotten.....

  13. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Group admin/moderator: you and your group were not named, but, thanks for your comments, now I know which group it is. Coincidentally, I also had the being-removed-for-no-reason experience. It also reflects poorly on you to stalk other people's pages and post nasty comments when they speak of negative experiences within your group.

    1. Annamaria4:34 pm

      Sorry since I don't know whom am I addressing to I cannot tell if I booted you or one of the admin. You must have given us reason to say goodbye to you, we just don't boot anyone without a reason. So you're very wrong there :)

    2. Anonymous6:14 pm

      Why would I let you know who I am? I don't want to associate with you and your group anyways, after witnessing two such instances and having one myself within 40 days of starting to tat. I know I didn't post anything in your group, so stop with the gaslighting; I don't care what your made-up reason is. Your pettiness gives tatting such a bad taste.

  14. Annamaria5:03 pm

    Dear Anonymous,
    Me stalking? Don't make me laugh, I don't even know how to do it. Besides I'm not the one hiding behind "anonymous" am I now?
    Anyway Facebook is kind enough to alert me on reactions or replies to my reply. So there's your explanation. As for nasty comments.... Hmmm,honestly you haven't seen me nasty just yet.
    Have a nice day, happy tatting :)
