
16 September 2024

What did I think?

A quick summary of Palmetto Tat Days 2024.

I hadn't been to a Tat Days since 2019 so things were a bit different.  The new venue was stunning although I was so busy I didn't see a lot of it!!!  The actual place itself seemed ginormous and it was a bit confusing finding the way around for a day or so.  I really wished I'd packed my internal sat nav but it had fallen out with BC3 the week before and refused to come with me!!

Food was good with a choice of what to eat.  The rooms were fine and certainly big enough for three or even four.

The company was excellent and the vending room seemed adequate too.  Initially I was disappointed that there was to be no banquet but with the lack of that there was more time for socialising and generally I felt it was more relaxed.  

Sadly one of the top organisers was taken sick so Theresa was running round like a headless chicken.  Thanks to her the weekend ran so smoothly.  

Would I go again?  YES.  Will I go again?  Sadly I won't.  The reason for this is my age.  I'll be 81 shortly and I found this year I had so many personal worries that nearly stopped me going that I can't afford to make the commitment.  It takes me probably six months in design work and then the cost of flights plus insurance is now phenomenal.  

I was also worrying about friends I was staying with and whether their health would be OK for them to host me.  As it was it worked out perfectly but I daren't risk another trip.  Also my BC3 or body could be 'out of action' too!!!

Many, many thanks to those who put me up and hosted me so very well throughout the years Sandra, Gloria, and Joanie. To those who shared the fun of Hilarious - Karen, Bonnie and Jo (thanks for the batteries!).  To dear Marie (who we met and had lunch with (she taught me the lazy way to do a split chain) and many others.  Jerry for the games of corn hole which he generously 'allowed' me to win many times.  All the friends who I met at the 'parties on the porch' at Gloria's.  Corky - thanks for the introduction to steel cut oats.  I've been addicted for years now.  I'm sure I've missed many names but my BC3 has had jet lag since it got back.  THANK YOU ALL.

Finally thank you to the Palmetto Tatters who first contacted me over twenty years ago and invited me to teach at the second Tat Days.  I've made so many wonderful friends through that one time invitation.  

A last comment - you know it's time to go home when the loo roll runs out in your guest bathroom.  Joanie I LOVE YOU and yes I did know where the replacement was kept!!!!


  1. So happy your trip was good and you have lovely memories to move on with.
    Very sad that it was your last trip there.
    I enjoyed your class from afar (at 3am here!!)

  2. Maureen10:21 am

    Everything has an appointed timespan, and how wonderful that you’ve been able to travel for the tatting weekend for twenty years! You’ll have good memories, and a very sensible decision to call a halt now. Nothing lasts forever, Life moves on.
    Travel insurance precluding air travel for you, one rotten mosquito bite doing the same for me. I’m not happy either!! That mosquito is keeping me from visiting my grandchildren this year.

  3. Wise words, Maureen. So sorry to hear about your bite.

  4. I'm glad you had a wonderful time, and I'm sad that you won't be able to make it again. I would have loved to have chatted and tatted with you one more time, but it wasn't in the cards for me this year. Thank goodness we can still keep in touch through the internet!

  5. I fondly remember when you and Sue Anna drove to Cincinnati all those years ago and we spent the day in Panera Bread. I agree with your comment about keeping in touch via the internet. I’m hoping I can keep my blog going but doubt I’ll ever be an ‘influencer’!!

  6. Thank you for your post Tat Days write up and to the end hilarious pic! I'm sorry I've not taken in any USA tatting conferences as yet and only attended one Canadian event but not sure if anymore will be happening here!

  7. It sounds like a wonderful trip. But yes, such trips are daunting. Hooray for the internet.

  8. Anonymous6:49 pm

    So glad you were able to come and share your presence with all of us. It was good to share a classroom with you. I’ll see you online. 😊

    1. Yes, Anonymous - good that we can keep in touch online.

  9. I'll come see YOU! I loved having you stay with me again. It was so much fun!
