Sorry if you're bored with these moans but they're probably useful to somebody somewhere in the great 'scheme of things'!!!!
Today I'm moaning about abbreviations in patterns.
When I started tatting in 1956 (yes it was shortly after the demise of the dinosaurs) everything was written in longhand which was a big struggle to follow. No diagrams were in the leaflets and booklets I could afford with my pocket money.
Nowadays we have excellent diagrams and shortened notation too. Abbreviations are the 'normal' in patterns and are very welcome, believe me. But there's one thing that I'm noticing more and more and that is new designers inventing new names for the simple things that we 'oldies' know by the original ones.
I was looking at a pattern yesterday and I saw tp. Now what is tp? I looked for the list of abbreviations and there wasn't one in that pattern!!! I guess that tp is vsp (very small picot). Or it could be 'talking point', 'top picot' or even 'try picking' (your nose!!!). I had a guess in the end that it was vsp.
I do wish new designers would check what the 'normal' method of notation is instead of inventing their own. Don't ask me where I saw this pattern as I haven't a clue but there are many out there using 'new' names for what are already acceptable instructions.
Thankfully the practice of calling 'abbreviations' 'legends' has on the whole been lost as that really did annoy this aged old git. A legend is a story of olden times etc and not a list of abbreviations. Still, that's history now in Tat Land!