
12 January 2009

I'm doing a happy dance!

I'm not very clever! In fact I'm drop dead stupid when it comes to some things.

I struggle with understanding some of the computer stuff and use the same method as I do with designing new patterns - the 'hit and miss' method!!!

Of course Nick always says RTFM to me which, translated into English, means Read The F%*king Manual. So in the end I do. Great. BUT then I find I need help with understanding the manual so I give up on that.

What I'm really trying to say is that I've finally got my blog back onto google reader!!! Huge, huge and merry happy dance.
I really need to understand what a feedburner is. Again I've RTFM'd it but have come out none the wiser at the end. Ah, well, I'll give up on that and just be thankful that I now appear on the google reader. Another extremely big surprise is how many people have written to me saying that they're pleased I've got this sorted.

I find it so interesting the way we all use the internet. I've now got into the habit of using a browser with tabs. I've set it up (without using the manual!) so that when I open my browser my blog dashboard is always open in one tab (4th along from the left!!). This let's me go there from time to time to refresh it and see who (in the list of people I follow) has updated their blogs. This is part of the reason I've not got back to getting my blog on google reader sooner!!! BUT another 'trick' I've used is to go to google reader and 'collect' tatting url's and then add them to my personal list of people I follow!

So now I think life is back to being relatively normal again!!!


  1. I use tabs and Google Reader, too! They make life so much simpler! It used to take me well over an hour to browse through all the blogs to see who had posted... now the computer tells me! It can be strange, though. Yesterday, I must have had a dozen posts from you on Reader... very strange!

  2. Anonymous12:00 pm

    Yay! Your feed works again! I can "see" your blog once more!!!!

  3. Yes, it is good to have you back on the reader, Jane! I have trouble w/ manuals too, LOL! :)

  4. Yay! I'm doing the happy dance with you!

  5. I was excited to see that your page had updated on my blog and now I see why. Congratulations! Let's all do the happy dance!

  6. Ok folks, not to sound too much like a moron, but what's a google reader???

  7. Ok, now I see. Don't mind me, I'm just blathering on . .

  8. Hi Jane,
    I'm a little behind, but I just wanted to thank you for mentioning "Google Reader"..I checked it out and now I wonder how I ever got through my days without it. Thank you again!
    Happy Tatting!!!!
    in Virginia, US

  9. Thank you for mentioning Google reader, a very useful tool!
    Virginia, US
