
11 January 2009

Tiny flowers for a friend

A friend of mine down the next road has been making herself a new dress. It's the first time she's done any sewing for years and it's looking really good.

The fabric is plain apricot. Very plain - not even a slub in the weave.

A couple of months ago I helped her with getting the collar put onto the dress and she said it needed 'something' to break up the apricot. She'd seen some flower motifs in our local shop and decided that they 'might' do. I came home with a sample of the fabric and came up with these little flowers below which I delivered yesterday.


  1. Anonymous11:18 am

    Isn't your friend so lucky! Those little cuties will be a lovely sparkle on her new dress.
    Katie V in Creedmoor NC

  2. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Your friend will be very happy. The flowers are very pretty.
    Mobile, Al.

  3. How lovely and sweet. I hope she will let you show us a photograph when it is finished. YOu are a good friend.

  4. You are such a wonderful friend! And guess what? Your blog finally updated on my links!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes.

  5. Those look delightful. What a sweet friend!

  6. Your blog finally updates! Yay! Those flowers are cute. The brown will look very pretty against the apricot. Nice job, as always.

  7. Are these tatted in the daisy picot method? I too am so happy to see your blog has updated in my links! Hooray!
