
19 February 2009

Another MOP button!!

I decided to re-tat the largest button again to make it much simpler. There was actually no need for the complicated way I did the orginals. It looks the same - but it isn't!!!!

I did this on Tuesday evening as I didn't do any tatting at all yesterday. In the morning I went to the saddest funeral of my life, then onto a meeting for tutors who teach silver surfers followed in the evening by a tatting talk.

Now this was interesting because Phyllis Sparks used to live in the village where the meeting was held. In fact one lady there helped out with all the photographs in the book. I've got a copy of this particular book but have never worked anything from it. It was published at a time when there was a dirth of tatting books available. Sadly Phyllis died of lung cancer in her mid seventies although she hadn't smoked for many, many years.

One compliment on my talk (which was lively!) was from one lady who said that I'd kept her awake which didn't normally happen!!!! They all had a 'go' at trying to turn the knot and a few succeeded.


  1. Very pretty Jane. All those beads! My condolences to you and all who loved your friend.

  2. I like this one even more. It's really pretty! hmmmmmm....I see another jacket coming with all kinds of buttons on it....

  3. I love these little buttons! Wouldn't a cluster of them make a pretty brooch?

  4. I love how you do this button. I like the way you do the beads on the outer edge. I'll have to try it that way. Has this pattern with the updates made it on your web site yet?

    My condolences to you for the loss of your loved one.

  5. Can wee see the back of one of these?

  6. Krystle - that's a VERY good idea. Bottoms up!!! I'll post them tomorrow with the four all together too.
