
20 February 2009

Set of 4 MOPs

As I'm now back tatting the black motifs for Nicole I thought I'd show you the set of four buttons together. I will get back to working them all again when I've done Nicole's work and will then put the patterns out on the web page.

I must say that although these are really, really easy to do the biggest problem has been getting the stitch count right in the middle so that the inner round of beads 'frame' the button. The next 'lot' will probably have dangles and things but - we'll see!!!!

So, below on the left is the set of 4 and on the right are the backs of the buttons.


  1. Hello, I have been looking at your stuff for months now and admiring it. I am a beginning tatter and am Enjoying all your beautiful things. I'm not sure how I came across your blog I want to say it was from the yahoo tatters group.

  2. do you know of a simple Cross bookmark pattern? I want to make them as gifts for my family. I want to add a tassel to them and a clear bead.

  3. Oh! Me like them! In a bunch like that look so pretty. Could be even frame. And thanks for showing the back. I was imagining something like that. Dangles sound terrific!!! Take a rest from the MOPs and come back with new energy to make more of them! :-)

  4. so beautiful like all what you do ! when I see your works, I want to improve ;-))
    au revoir et à bientôt !
