
4 August 2010

I ♥ ♥ ♥ it.

This IS for me although there is enough fabric to make a few more if anybody wants a set!!!  

This fun piece of material came from Elizabeth and you've seen it here before.

Every time I look at it I smile.  I couldn't make up my mind for ages what to make with it and then t'other day I woke up and had a senior GREAT idea!!!  A roly poly set.  Well, why not?  My original one is in need of a good wash - that's MY excuse and I'm sticking with it.

In future and each time I go groping and fumbling in my handbag I'll see this roly poly bag and smile and think of Elizabeth.  


  1. yes I love it too well done with your sewing looks great Margaret

  2. Love the colour and the pattern design. As you keep calling me a silly Moo - I think I should have a set!!!!

  3. That's an adorable set! Could it be that I love it because it's blue?

  4. Adorable! Great placement of that startled sheep! Ewe, she looks cute! This is so cute that I might worry lest your lovely stitching goes on the lamb...
    Fox ; )

  5. Well I think it is just great. Of course you know I would. I am so glad you like it.

  6. I love it, Elizabeth. Such funny comments from the rest of you!!!! Keep them coming!!!!
