
3 August 2010

Tuesday, Tuesday even!!!!

Well the sewing machine got a good belting yesterday!!!  

The chick fabric bag that you saw the other day was one of two sets that Maureen looked at a few months ago.  I made up a blue set and a 'chick' set.  In the end she decided to go with the blue set.  Well she's now decided to 'go' for the chick one as well!!!  

I've got a lovely one that I'm going to show you tomorrow but don't visit my blog if you don't want to be jealous cause it's for MEEEEEEE.


  1. You are an Enabler, Jane - and I'm SO controlled in every other area of my life apart from this little tatting hiccup I have - long ago worked out that it is just better to admit to it and buy the lovely bags when they are there to be bought! (But I am not even THINKING of looking at your shop for a long, long time! )
    The Roly Poly bags are my absolute favourites, I never leave home without one.

  2. Oh me too, I don't leave home without 'em. Roly Polys rock! Two of them fit perfectly in the outside front of my MAC bag..

    Now, I shall have to look for some "chickie" material. I think my BB would love one as a cosmetic bag! I, of course, will HAVE to take a look at the shop! I can't resist. LOL

    xxxx P

  3. Oh, me TOO. Can't leave home without at least one Roly Poly. And two fit in my computer bag! Cool beans.
    I SHALL HAVE to find some CHICK material, myself. I know my BB would love a cosmetic bag adorned with petite chicks.
    xxxx P
