
31 August 2010

A post for Sue Anna!

I'm playing with the new Lizbeth thread that Sue Anna sent me the other day and I'm now beginning to like this little snowflake.  She mentioned that she'd like to see what I did with the thread.  Now I'm really, really pleased with this design as it does 'show off' the variegated threads SO well.  

Guess what?  No, you'll NEVER guess as it's TOTALLY out of character.   Nobody guessed?  Told you you wouldn't guess.

Well I'll tell you.  This snowflake has got a NAME!!!  One that I invented ALL ON MY OWN!!!!  

Want to know what it is?  Well, it's called the 'Flurry Snowflake'.  


  1. Once you are on a roll, you don't do things by halves, do you! - in just a couple of days, there is a flurry of flurries - and the turquoise one is my favourite.

  2. Those snowflakes are apply named, love the colours that you are using.

  3. What a wonderful bunch of snowflakes! Looks like you will have your blizzard before the wet stuff falls. :)

  4. Love the snowflakes! The colors are great! Glad to see you are having so much fun with the thread and what a wonderful way to be distracted from the heat of summer!

  5. Sweeet Fluries!! They do look great in the variegated colors too! I love how the Lizbeth solids look with the variegated colors.

  6. Great that you have dedicated a post to Sue Anna and what a great way to show off all the lovely threads. The snowflakes look fun to make.

  7. A very 'cool' pattern ("Flurry" is very appropriate) and wonderful color combos!

    As with other prolific tatters and designers (and bloggers!), it's difficult for me to keep up with your 'flurry' of posts!

  8. My flurry is resting in my hand, and not melting. Rebekah has coveted it ~ but it is MINE. tee hee The packet from UK arrived and a good time was had by all! LOL

    THANK YOU for teaching me to do SCMRs in 3-easy sentences. With your comparison to a simplified it in my mind; and, yes Jane it was "dead easy". I'll spend all September getting consistency with them, since it didn't take me all September to learn! Thanks to you, mate.
    xx P
