
1 September 2010

More bags

Hopefully by now these will be in my Etsy shop!!!  Well, keep your fingers crossed!!!

I found the blue butterfly fabric in my stash (that's the one at the bottom) - I think I hid it for myself but since Carolyn's parcel arrived and since I made the animal set from Elizabeth's fabric I don't think I dare keep anymore for myself!!!!  

The autumnal one is drop dead gorgeous with a sparkly gold feature in the fabric.  Yummy.

The blue is fabulous with a silver sparkle to it.  So, tat's all for today but keep watching!!!!


  1. I love the autumn bag but they are all lovely Margaret

  2. What a great display of color to start off the new month! They all look great! :)

  3. My fav is the Autumn one too! I have to admit that many of these fabrics look familiar but given where they come from, they should! I'm frequently in the shops around here looking even if I'm not buying. I actually have an all green leaf print similar to the Autumn print but not different leaves.
