
30 May 2012

Pearl tatted basket

Like I said yesterday - I have a pattern to share with you from Val.  This is MY rendition (the picture below - to prove I've tried it) but I've put hers (which is tons better) on her page.

Val's used this method (I've called it 'easy' but it could equally be called 'lazy'!) of doing pearl tatting.

You can find her page here which I've added to the 'Guest Designers' section.


  1. pretty pretty!

    I should make one for myself!

  2. So, I'm late to the basket party, but I'm not good at keep quiet. I think it's lovely! Of course, that's not really what's making me comment... I'm commenting to thank you for saying 'basket'. *blushes* When I first saw the picture, I thought it was a 'Day of the Dead' cyclops! Hehe... Now, if I can ever figure out how to get thread NOT to flip, I'm going to have to have to try and play with this to make it a skull! :-)

    Stephanie Grace
