
31 May 2012

The snake!!

It wasn't until Joanie asked me where I'd started the snake (head or tail end) that I remembered that I'd written the pattern down!!!

Over the years I've learned to write EVERYTHING down that I do.  Well, I don't quite write everything down but almost.

So, here's the snake!!!  I've added him to the doodles page.  Did I hear somebody say "oh, no, not ANOTHER doodle"?  Sorry, but yes!!!

This pattern really is only 'guidance' on how to do a snake - not 'set in stone' so please feel free to play with it.

1 comment:

  1. I love your doodles that is about all the time I have had to tat and then I can at least get to tat something in between working outside. Now I need to get time to post them.
