
27 October 2012

A tin - just a tin!

Just what the title says - this is a tin!!  Nick likes the small mints that come in these tins and when he'd finished with one the other day he asked if it would be any use to me.  Well, what do YOU think I said?

The small black 'bit' fits just neatly on the top of the tin allowing the mints to be shaken out through the hole.  It's made of quite a tough plastic and is quite easy to get out as you can see.

I've got a few very nice crystal beads which will fit neatly inside and which will save me getting out too many at a time and (as is well known in most tatter's houses) getting spilled all over the place if I knock the tin over!!  I've been given two of these so I'll find other beads to put in the other one.  All I have to do now is stick a label on the top so I know what's in each tin.

Now hands up all those who think this is a stonking great idea!!!  

Well done brain cell 3 - long may you live!!!


  1. Marvellous idea! Keep your beads under control and do a bit of recycling. Hooray for brain cell #3.

  2. Superb idea! Brain cell #3: Great job!

    The next time I see you, be sure to bring some of these mint tins! :p

  3. I've thrown those darn tins away in the past! But this is a great idea, have to buy some mints now!

  4. Anonymous1:36 pm

    Great idea!!!

  5. what a neat idea. we don't have any mints here that have those inserts. good on you.

  6. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Wow, that is a great idea. I use a larger tin to keep / carry my tatting, but have never thought about something like this for beads. Brilliant!

  7. Anonymous4:45 pm

    What a great idea. I use a larger tin to hold my shuttles, but would have never thought of this. Brilliant!

  8. LOL Stonking great! Stonking great! LOL

  9. Anonymous1:01 am

    I have used these for years. Three are currently residing in my tatting bag.

  10. It needs beautifying, though - send for Frivole forthwith! I'm not familiar with tins of this sort, and I have been staring and staring at the picture trying to see the little black "bit".

  11. I've never seen anything like this. What a great little tin.
