
10 October 2012

Another post about our trip!

I think this will be the last post about our trip - I keep finding drafts in my blog and they've got out of order - they 'slipped' down the timeline there.

The day after the guild meeting we had another meeting at the Mall and then the following day Joanie kindly took us to the craft stores and the Dollar store too!!!  It's amazing what you can buy for a dollar (plus tax!).  Sally and I couldn't get our heads around the way tax is added at the register as tax in the UK is included and shown on the shelf.  I managed to squeeze a few more 'essentials' into my suitcase which proved to be well overfull by the time we had finished shopping that day!!

Joanie also gave me a few tubes of beads which I'm dying to get to use as they're different shapes.  I just need time - more time to tat.  Can we get an extension to each day?  24 hours just isn't long enough!

Today I'm adding some of the gifts I was given during our trip.  Sadly I've now lost track of who made them both but you can put that down to old age and stupidity!!!  Actually the name tag is very useful - it reminds me regularly of who I am!!!


  1. These gifts are so pretty! I can't wait to see your 'loot' for the States! I totally understand about the tax bit. I sometimes end up finding myself short of a few cents when I get to the cashier. LOL

    Have fun with the beads. Oh BTW, I ain't sure you had a chance to work with those templates for making fabric flowers. :p

  2. Pretty colours! - you have been spoiled with all these wonderful gifts, haven't you!
    We have GST here, and when you pay at the supermarket, the receipt tells you exactly how much tax you have paid on the total order.Most processed foods are taxed.

  3. Lovely gifts! Those colors seem perfect for you!

    I have trouble with drafts, so I've pretty much given up on them. The few times I've tried, I somehow ended up with multiple drafts of the same post. I admire those of you who seem to get it right!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jane,
    The earrings were made by Kathy B. of NY (check the listing in the booklet).
    It is a Russian pattern (I have it) that I gave her. She made 13 of them for the Teacher's Gift Bags that we made up. She is awesome!

  6. Thanks, Lorena. I didn't think of checking the booklet which is still on my worktop (but buried!). I'll do that later today. It's a very pretty pattern. Kathy B truly is awesome.

  7. Beautiful earrings!!! :)
    Great name tag!!! :)
