
9 October 2012

Have you EVER seen?

Have you ever seen ANYTHING as pretty as this?

A shuttle holder kindly given to me by Marie Smith.  

Marie came up to me while we were at the Palmetto guild meeting and showed me a wee box of shuttle holders she'd made and asked me to choose one for myself.  That was SUCH a hard decision but in the end this is the one I chose.  It's exquisitely made.  The thread is Wildflowers by Shirley Pence.  I am going to display this little beauty with my shuttles where I can see it (and them) each day.

On another point - the tatting cupboard is now tidy and the door is shut again.  It's taken me two/three weeks to unpack and put all the odds and ends away!!!


  1. I think I would have chosen that one too! - pink and green. Isn't it beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous little bag for your shuttles, it must have taken her ages to make them

  3. Hello Jane,
    what e pretty gift with all thes beads! Great work.
    With lovely tatting regards

  4. Totally exquisite! Great choice! I've enjoyed tatting my own shuttle bag and it's such a joy to just let it sit next to my shuttles for admiring.

  5. Oh is that beautiful!! :)

  6. Lovely shuttle keeper, Jane. Happy to hear that your tatting cupboard is tidy again.

  7. This is so cute, I really like it. I am glad you had such a wonderful time at tat days :)

  8. Very pretty. The pattern is on my to-do list. Seeing yours makes me think I should move it up the list!

  9. Marie is the BEST, isn't she?

    Lucky you!

  10. Better show mine then! (this evening) We are the luckiest people in the world

  11. So pretty. I will have to search for a shuttle bag keeper pattern and make one myself!

  12. It is pretty. Isn't that Sherry's thread, not Shirley? I think Marie shared the pattern for these. I don't remember on who's blog it's on though.

  13. DUH, Jeff, that was a silly typo on my part!!!! Of course it's Sherry's!!! Time to invest in a new brain cell, I think!!!!!
