
8 October 2012

Walled garden motif goes flourescent

I told you a while back about Gina's family bringing some of her threads to Tat Days.  Least I think I did but there again I may not!!!  Well during the regular guild meeting the following Saturday after Tat Days a bag was produced with her remaining threads in.  Well I decided that I was already heading towards a full suitcase and wouldn't look at all.

All good plans of mice and men suddenly came to a halt when I spotted some fluorescent sewing thread in the bag which was being rummaged in behind where I was sitting.  It was really weird as I'm sure Gina sent a lightening bolt to me to pick them out.  She always knew I had a strange 'take' on colours and it was almost as if she'd put them there to tempt me!!!  

Here is the Garden Motif that I taught that day worked up in them while I was sitting talking with Joanie and Sally during the following few days.  I made a huge boo boo on the one with yellow as I missed out some picots.  I decided to finish it though as I'm a stubborn old git!!!  I used the thread doubled but it wasn't that easy to tat with.  I'll certainly be playing with these threads again - you wait and see!!!!!


  1. Morning Jane , just trying to adjust my eyes, my that was bright, on this dull rainy morning you nearly blow my eyes out of their sockets. Lovely colours, I am sure Gina would be proud of what you did with her thread.

  2. I like the orange-blue one so much, great color selection! And it's so nice to see, how Gina's heritage persists. ( I hope it is the rigth phrase:) )

  3. Those will certainly glow in the dark!

  4. I needed sunglasses to look at the first one! - love the colours.
    You will have to make something very special with these threads.

  5. Whoa! That woke me up! Serves me right... I don't think I should open blog posts with only a few sips of coffee on board. ;-)

    Lovely color choices! I think Gina would enjoy what you've done with them. I especially like the blue and orange.

  6. Wow...shoulda had some coffee first, but I usually head right for my tatting blog fix and then worry about my coffee after :-). Fun bright threads, certainly a treasure due to the source...and nicely combined in these!

  7. Love the blue and orange one - the yellow one is nice, but so bright I had to wear shades to look at it!

  8. Me too! Love that blue and orange! That is a tricky combo, but when it is right it is awesome!
    Fox : )

  9. Those look so fun!!! :)

  10. Good to see those motifs again. It was such a priviledge to be one of the receipients of some of Gina's threads, and hope to use some of them soon.

  11. Wow those are bright! I love them. :)
