
15 October 2012


I've been following the wonderful excitement over the doodads which Diane started a few weeks ago.  I amend that last sentence - it was in August (doesn't time fly?).

It's been making me smile to myself as I've long had a 'thing' about doodads and started using them many years ago in a butterfly pattern.

In March last year I bought some earrings from Asda - here they are - and took them apart!!!!  This is one of the many, many things I made with them.

So, when it came to putting in my application to teach at Tat Days I wondered what to submit.  I'd recently been working on this pendant which has a doodad which Irma had sent me (another picture below - in coloured threads).  They're not easy to find here in the UK unless you get lucky as I did with the earrings!!!  So, should I submit this to teach and would I be able to point my students towards where to buy them?  A limited use pattern, I thought at the time.

So as I liked the pendant idea I had to go into 're-design' mode which is where the last picture on this page comes from - now on the Palmetto Tatter's CD.  This meant that nobody would have to go hunting for the doodads - good job!!!!

Since then and as people are finding doodads to use I can now add the pattern to my site.  Well, I will in a day or two's time as I've still got to finish off the page and check it out!!!


  1. I said back in August they were hard to buy in the UK, I was going though some bits and found some earrings I brought in Italy and then realised they were a similar things as doodads. Lovely pendant design can't see the smaller picture very well but they both look gorgeous

  2. Well, Margaret - you're not supposed to see the bottom picture very well as it's on the Palmetto CD and won't be on my site until next year!!!!! It's a sort of 'teaser'!!!!

  3. Love that doodad! I haven't taken the time to browse through my CD yet (a present from Sue Anna). I guess I'd better do that... soon!

  4. So generous of you to give us an excuse to buy the cd!

  5. I was amazed at the number and different kinds of doodads you received from Irma, and I also went running around the stores to find earrings like those at Asda, but no luck back in Winter. However, I have found 'similar' ones since then, and also have found all kinds of doodads to keep me busy. You certainly pioneered this idea. I loved the motifs you made and also the gorgeous necklaces! I look forward to seeing the pattern!

  6. Stunning pieces!!! :)

  7. Oh, I'm standing in line for that pattern, seeing as Jess kindly sent me some doodads.

  8. These colours jump right off the screen - very nice.
    Fox : )
