
13 October 2012

Update of starting page

On Thursday I spent the whole day updating this page.  I wasn't happy with some of the pictures (done years ago on the PC) so decided to re-draw them and look at all the techniques again.  It kept me quiet and away from the dreaded housework!!!!

This was brought on by Phyllis who I watched starting a ring and chain at Tat Days in one of my classes - which all goes to prove yet again that teachers probably learn as much as their pupils (well I do) at Tat Days.

I asked her to show me how she was doing this and I thought this was a really exciting new idea (well, new to me but probably not for the rest of Tat Land!!!).  Phyllis did say where she'd got the idea from but I really can't remember and anyway techniques are aren't copyrightable.  Only the drawings and words I use in the technique section are and who'd want to copy those, I ask myself - and you too???!!!!!

I've added Phyllis's idea to the page too - it's the second method of starting a ring followed by a chain.  A thought did occur to me - if anybody ever wants to use parts of this page as a teaching aid (ie probably just one section) then please email me and I'll 'chop it up' and send as a word document.

Just to add a bit of 'cheer and colour' to this page I'll add the pictures here too - that should tempt you to take a peek at the destructions (whoooops, I mean instructions)!!!!


  1. I have done that, can't remember where I found the instructions, but I found that it created a rather obvious colour blip. Or was I doing something wrong?

  2. I haven't noticed one, Jane, but I'll look more closely next time. I'm afraid those 'blips' don't worry me - I tend to consider them 'part of the design' - heee, heeeee.

  3. I think I have seen it before, but it looks interesting and something to try, I really don't worry about blips too much when using variegated thread as it can't always be helped. I think I will try this idea and see how it works.

  4. I haven´t seen that before, I´m so glad that you share it with us! And I love the bags you wrote about before!

  5. I have never found a situation where a "blip" could not be avoided. Often, it requires tatting over tails or a lark's head join, but the "front" can always be blipless.

  6. Isn't tatting wonderful! It doesn't matter where you are we all can learn new things and there is no wrong way to do most techniques. Thanks for sharing. I barely remember seeing that in on of my older than dirt tatting books way too many years ago. I didn't quite get it( need to see it) to make it work so I guess I have to save my money so I can visit you to learn :)

  7. This is so cool! I've only tried it once, but I've got less of a color blip at the base of the ring than I usually get when using two colors of thread. I think this will make it easier to join to the base of that ring as well, compred to what I've been doing.

  8. Glad to be of help to you all. Jane, your drawing is great and goes right along with the other way to start a ring with a chain.

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