
20 October 2012

TIAS 2013

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?  When that question is asked I always opt for the bad first as I like to get that over with and out of the way.  Actually Geraldine prompted this post with her comment yesterday so I thought I'd better update y'all (as they say in the southern states of America)!!!

The bad news is that I really, really struggled to get started on next January's TIAS.  Oh, in case you don't know a TIAS is a 'Tat It And See'.  It's a game a lot of people play with me in January each year.  Here's a link to the TIAS blog.  Last year's links are on the left side of the blog if you want to see how it works.  The introduction here will give you some idea of what you might expect.

Well the good news now - I've finally started on it.

Now what took so long?

You guys - you caused poor old brain cell 3 a lot of worry and angst!!!  You're getting too darn clever at guessing what the finished piece is going to be and I'm trying to make the guessing harder!!!!

I THINK this year's idea will work.  Do you want a clue?  Well here you are!!!


  1. I´m really looking forward to take part in your TIAS!! Thank you for all your hard work with it!

  2. I am looking forward to the next TIAS. As for your little clue, not even going to try and guess, Hope you get it finished by January


  3. I love teasers! The thread your using is beautiful together. Most of my projects should be done by then so will be eagerly waiting.

  4. October is much to soon to be thinking about a TIAS - well, not for you, of course, but "to everything there is a season"!
    TIAS happens when the weather REALLY hots up - of which we have had a taste today.
    I'm looking forward to it very much.

  5. I know.....I'll guess.....some tatted stitches!!! Am I right?!?!?

  6. I'm never very good at guessing what you're up to! Look forward to the next TIAS.

  7. Jacqui Southworth6:23 pm

    Wow Jane - that's a great help NOT!!
    Looking forward to my TIAS in Florida - roll on sunshine

  8. Now, now, Jacqui - stop rubbing it in about the sunshine and warmth when we're going to be in the middle of winter!!!! I might have to ban you from doing the TIAS - ROFLOL

    1. Jacqui Southworth7:38 am

      you could try !!

  9. I’m still “clueless” but I actually tatted ‘a bit’ (and when I say a bit, that’s what it is) from Angeline’s Traveling Book. This book has got me tatting again as my right hand, though numb and tingly, can hold a shuttle now (and make it work). I think I’ll be ready for TIAS. I miss your epistles greatly. bj

  10. Well, Bj, there's another 3 months before the TIAS so your hand should've improved even more by then. I DO hope so.

  11. looking forward to it.

  12. Anonymous9:52 pm

    You're a hoot, Jane Eborall--and one heck of a tease.
    tatty hugs,
    Katie V in NC

  13. You are such a teaser, Jane! Thanks for the good news!!

  14. Yay! So good to look forwards to this! I took part in the last two and loved it!

    As to the tease, I can tell there seems to be at least a ring and a chain! LOL!!!

  15. Can't wait for your next TIAS! I'll be ready with bells on come January ;) ..... oh, and guessing, I'll guess that we should use really bright colors! HA!

  16. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Bring it on Jane!! I'm sure we will enjoy it.Thanks for your hard work to keep us entertained.
