
19 October 2012

What to do when you can't think of what to do!

My tatting life has been a bit in the doldrums lately.  I'm not sure why but it has.  I've been tempted away from what I ought to do by the wonderful variety of threads I've got.  

Anyway I thought I would settle down and do something a bit more than 'just something small' and decided to have another 'go' at the chicken wing doily.  

This time I've used my all time favourite Rainbow Taffy and another (can't remember which!) Lizbeth variegated for the centres of the 'wings'.  I love it and now it's done it's been put away in the cupboard!!!!  Having got that out of my system I wonder what will happen next in my corner of Tat Land!!!!


  1. I believe it's Sea Island Citrus (one of my favorites!).

    Good job on the Chicken Wing doily!

  2. I love the names you come up with! That thread is very pretty. I'll have to check and see if I have some. If not, I'll add it to my shopping list.

  3. That's IT, Sharren. Now I remember and I agree with you but I'd put it second to Rainbow Taffy!!!!! To each their own, eh?!?!?

  4. Oh how gorgeous!!! :)

  5. Yep, I agree with Sharren. The other thread looks to be Sea Island Citrus -- one of my favorites too! It pairs so well with Rainbow Taffy (tee, hee, I call this colorway "Laffy Taffy" -- meaning no disrespect, of course)

    Jane, I have been wondering if you had any plans to submit a tatted logo entry for the 2013 Tat Days based upon your Chicken Wing design? The idea tickles my funny bone...but it could be FAB.

  6. Dear Jane ,
    Wondering what to do????
    Oh I have the very thing . Oh please please start on next years T.I.A.S We in tat land are all starting to get itchy shuttles and can't wait wondering what brain cell 3# will come up with.
    Happy tatting.

  7. Oh, that is a wonderful doily! Love the colours too - maybe I have to do some internet shopping soon...

  8. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  9. The colours are just so bright and cheerful for the dull days we are having at the moment, must try that combination one day!

  10. that is so pretty. and you tatted it so quickly. very pretty, too pretty to be hidden in the closet.
