
24 November 2012

All together now

Well, not quite!  One of them is missing.  No, for once not lost but 'in use'.  I've got it on my winter coat!!  It's one of the brown ones.

So, just a quick reminder that today is 'shuttle day' and that the shuttles and holders will be listed at 20.00hrs GMT.  Oh, here's the link to my shop.

This afternoon I'm meeting a group of crocheters at The Buzz cafe in town - they've shown an interest in learning to tat - I'll keep you updated on progress if there is any!!!  So, so often over the years I've gone along to these sessions in an enthusiastic mood only to find that people want instant gratification.

Still, we'll see and I'll be just as eager to get others addicted as usual.


  1. Anonymous11:21 am

    Your buttons look lovely displayed, I like all of them.

  2. The desire for instant gratification is so pervasive! I've seen so many people give up on music lessons when they find out they have to practice and even then they can't learn everything in a day. I've seen people give up on tatting for the same reason. It's so sad, one wonders what pleasure these people get out of life if they're never willing to challenge themselves. Hopefully this group will be better; if they've already learned to crochet, they will have an idea of what goes into learning a new craft and not give up at the first failure.

  3. You are SO right, Miranda. Off in about half an hour to see what happens!!!!

  4. Your buttons make such a cheerful, festive display!

    Years ago, my mom kept a little country pig statue in the kitchen to remind her of the pitfalls we face when we have a Problem with Instant Gratification. Perhaps tatters should wear No P.I.G. buttons. After all, we do understand that tatting takes patience and perseverance. Good luck with your group!

  5. The buttons are great. Love the one for Christmas. They are certain to inspire your crochet group to want to learn to tat. The first thing I ever leaned was to crochet. My grandmother was so mad at me for learing to tat. I think it was because when she was young her sister would not teach her how. Her crochet was beautiful though. I have a bedspread she crocheted for me out of thread. I treasure it.

  6. These button brooches are wonderful!

    It seems to me that solution to P.I.G. Is what is satisfying. The people who find gratification in being able to do the flip will continue to tat but the ones who need a ring or a snowflake at the first sitting are the ones who give up. And maybe that is the key to everything? Finding pleasure or joy in the steps or process rather than the result?

  7. Great buttons!

    Remember that people often are intimidated the first time they are confronted with something brand new and it might take time to percolate in the brain.

    That is what happened to me. I had seen and tried tatting a couple of years before the right person showed up at the right time and I was ready. But, had I not seen it the first time and failed miserably to ‘get’ it - I don’t think I would have been so magically hooked. Timing is everything. Good luck!
    Fox : )

  8. Wonderful display. I hope you have a fruitful group there.

  9. The Buttons are beautiful!

  10. I love your button brooches Jane! In fact, I just had a go and made a couple, thank you so much for sharing the pattern. It's that Sea Island Citrus one that got me hooked! They really look great all together.

  11. Oh!!!! These buttons are gorgeous and the colours you have used are delicious.........have you shared the pattern for them?
    Joy in OZ

  12. I absolutely love the Christmass-y one! - might try to make one for the Tatting group's Christmas party.

  13. Yes, Joy. I put the pattern on the site last Monday. It's here
