
26 November 2012

Playing with small buttons now!

First of all today I have to apologise to Martha - see this link and the comment below.  Beware, dear Martha, things are going to get worse over the next few days and your spare time might just be zonked completely if you like what's coming next!!!

OK, first of all I found some half inch buttons with two holes.  After a bit of jiggling and wriggling this top button emerged.  No, not good enough. 

Another search of my tatting cupboard and I found the same size but with four holes.  Now things are moving along.  That's the second picture.

Still not festive enough and lacking grossly in beads I retired to consult dear brain cell # 3.  More tomorrow!!!


  1. They both look fun to me!! :)

  2. Adorable! I am ready to retire and tat with buttons and doodads... so many ideas, so little time!

  3. Love it!! <3 Can't wait to the see the more beadilicious version!

  4. I've got some 6 petal open doodads that would be lovely with this the ones Diane has been using on her blog for weeks. Can't wait to see the final version of this pattern!

  5. Well everyone be prepared to be amazed, bead-dazzled even, you will all love the next version of the button. Look out for my blog tomorrow too!!!

  6. I believe with the right colors it can be festive enough. Maybe a small flower or bead in the middle?

  7. The four holes do seem perfect. And i have lots of small four-holed buttons! You're just moving too fast for me! I'm finally learning how to load lots of beads on thread, and to have them on the shuttle thread. I've never done that before. But I do love the look of those sparkly beads! After 23 years I still have so much to learn!

  8. Ooooh, I've got lots more buttons this size......

  9. Well, Kathy, you don't have to load many beads onto the shuttles for this one. The majority are long beaded picots!!
