
27 November 2012

Small buttons 2

Well here's the result of more beads!!!  AND it's even got a name too.  I've called it the Fandango Button Snowflake!!!  

I'm not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree and it wasn't until I'd done at least four of these that I realised they were similar in construction to the Fandango series of bookmark, edging and pendant!!!  It does seem daft but that's the truth of it. 

So, I present the Fandango Button Snowflake.  I'll have the pattern ready in two days - I've just got to work out how much thread is needed and then it's done and dusted.  Please bear with me.


  1. I do like this one - the beads on the button cover up the bare thread and it looks great!

  2. I must take time to try to make one! Thankyou again for giving us all this wonderful patterns!!!

  3. You amaze me with your imagination. I will definitely try and squeeze a couple in for the holidays. Thanks your sharing.

  4. I love the beads coming from the center of the button. Much nicer than a bare thread showing.

  5. Beautiful! I'm hunting up my buttons (got a whole bottle of red and green ones somewhere) -- these will make great greeting card enclosures for the holidays!

  6. Really cool!!! I thought you were using your Fandango pattern when you showed the first. :)

  7. Beads on the button joins? Or very long beaded picots somehow gathered on the back? I'm waiting on pins and needles now.
