
6 November 2012

More of the Garden Snowflake

There will be a few more of these posts as I endeavour to make enough to give away at Christmas.  Don't go away, though, as there are two more patterns (only small ones) to post and I'm still busy working on the Tat It And See too.

Yesterday was really busy packing the shuttles etc and getting them in the post.  

Just a note to those living in America - the lass at the Post Office said to allow an extra two to three days for them to arrive as things were still settling down after Sandy.  Not a lot any of us can do about that except wait!!!!  I do hope that everybody affected by the storm is beginning to get back to normal.


  1. The top star looks very gardenesque (is that a word?), but the bottom one makes my heart flutter... love the blue and lavender together!

  2. Jane, Is there anyway you could enlarge the font on your posts? my old eyes can't see the smaller stuff as well as it used to??? just saying. Happy Tatting! Linda :)

  3. Those are so bright and beautiful!!! :)

  4. Hi linb54 - I've made the font a bit bigger now. It's a size 14 now so does that work better for you? Oh, and everybody else too?

  5. works for me. Thanks Jane, I wasn't having any trouble before, but this is better.
    I like your stars. They are pretty
