
7 November 2012

Away in a manger

Now WHAT does that mean?  Away?  I mean you're either in a manger or not so where does 'away' come into it?  That story is a strange one anyway.  You'd think a pregnant woman would've booked a hotel in advance on a trip like that!!!  Silly moo.  Still it is only a story so I bet there's a lot of poetic licence in there somewhere!!

Sorry, I'm prevaricating and trying to get round to showing you another little 'almost doodle' that I've got here.

I thought this one might be useful for making Christmas cards.


  1. cute little fellow, perhaps not in manger. cute.

  2. This little Jezus is quite funny with this big black eye, but adorable in the same time:)

  3. that is cute Jane. Thanks

  4. Well, I guess it was hard to make hotel reservations, without phones, or internet. And I suppose it was away, because his folks had to go to a different town to be counted for the census. Yea, they had to have a census, even back then. Sheesh. And, by the time they arrived (by donkey and sandal power), there were no more "hotels" to stay in. So, as it had been predicted in the Old Testament, Christ was born by a humble birth to humble parents. I think the Jews were expecting the Messiah to come as a powerful king and conquer their enemies. They are still waiting for that. But, He's already come. Born Away in a Manger.

  5. Very adorable. However, should the little one be in blue (boy)?

  6. Well, Madatter I know nothing of the bible or those stories!!! I just remember bits and pieces from when I was a kid myself!!! Vaguely!!! Thanks for the heads up!!!
    Phyllis - he's naked!!! Wearing his 'birthday suit'!!!!
    Orsi - he's got a big black eye because I was too lazy to go and find a smaller bead!!!!

  7. Maybe someone can make him some "swaddling clothes"

  8. Is there a pattern posted yet? Would be adorable for holiday cards.

  9. Very cute. Thanks for sharing.
