
9 November 2012

Yet another Garden Snowflake

Whoops - this one hasn't been eased into shape yet.  Yes, I did say eased!!!!  I rarely block anything - just wet it, ease it carefully into shape (IF needed) and gently 'show' it the iron!!!

I'm plain idle!!!  I also believe that a good pattern should have it's shape designed into it and not need much pressing and certainly not blocking - unless it's for the sake of picot straightening.  Unfortunately this little motif got shoved into my pocket and forgotten for a day or two so it does need a little TLC!!!!  The times I find things in my pocket and often after trip in the washing machine - you'd think I'd frisk myself regularly but I forget!!!

As the Tat It And See is taking so much time lately I'm going to have to miss the odd day's posting here and there.  WHAT?  Did I hear cheers of delight?!?!?

I'm still here though so don't think I'm not listening in to what's going on in Tat Land.  


  1. No, you definitely didn't hear cries of delight. We miss you when you don't post, but as it's all in a good cause, we'll forgive you if you don't post every day. I made a small mistake on one gecko leg, so it didn't lie flat, which really made me realise again how careful your patterns are and how little blocking they need ( assuming, of course, that one follows them exactly!)

  2. Jane you and I have the same thoughts on tatting I don't block unless I have to, and I do wash my tatting, if it needs stiffening then I used a mixture of water and PVC glue which I put in an old Chinese take away tub and leave the item to soak for a few mins and then put on the rads to dry, I have a piece of cloth on the rads to put the tatting on so it's not against the rads.

    Lovely snowflake

  3. Oh, gosh, Margaret - I NEVER wash my tatting before I've used it or sell it. I'm meticulous in keeping my work clean and wash my hands diligently before I start.

  4. Anonymous11:37 am

    Your little snowflake is lovely, I'm loving all of the things that you have made.

  5. I love the colors in this one!! I don't wash my tatting either unless I'm trying to demonstrate/confirm the colorfastness.
    I, too, am I little befuddled when you don't post, but I'll live. :o) It's funny, when you don't post, I question myself... "Is it Saturday already?". As if I would certainly have lost track of the days before you would not post on a weekday. How silly is that?

  6. I like your slightly "wonky" snowflake. I think it is cute. I too prefer patterns that need little to no blocking. I think they hold their shape much better over time. and need less maintenance by those who receive them as gifts.
    looking forward to the TIAS

  7. We"ll forgive you, as we are all looking forward to TIAS. I like your snowflake. I do stiffen mine as they will be hanging on someones tree and I'd like to be sure they don't get flopsy.

  8. You have awesome color choices!! I love this one too!! :)

  9. Love your patterns, I really like tatting, I've been doing it for about 8 years now. I tried and tried to do it, then a friend taught my daugther(who had no Idea what it was)but she learned and call me and said I think I know what your doing wrong Mom. I haven't slowed down since and she does a beautiful job. I have entered doilies at our county fair and took Best of Show. I also carve my own shuttles.
    Thanks for all the new Ideas.
    Happy tatting!!!
