
27 December 2012

Doily round 1

No, this isn't what I was doing over the past two days!!!  I did it before the festivities but have only just got round to blogging it.  On this round I used Lizbeth thread number 658 for the rings and 665 for the chains.

I've (well, brain cell 3) has almost decided what he's going to work on next but I need to draw up a rough idea first.  This one feels as if it might benefit from a 'sort of' drawing first although I normally head straight in with the shuttles - armed and dangerous!!!  We'll see.  I'll not have much time today as we have a 'grandson invasion' predicted.  Least that's if the floods don't prevent them getting here.  


  1. Looks like a snowflake, lovely colours. Have a nice day with the grand children, hope they don't wear you out too much.

  2. nice bright colours!

  3. Love the colours!

  4. Anonymous11:25 am

    Such a beautiful pattern and colours!

  5. oh, have fun with the grands. They are so special and grow so fast.
    That is a pretty beginning to your doily. Will be waiting to see the rest and what happens next.

  6. That's beautiful and it reminds me of a sunny sky!! :)

  7. So pretty, Jane! The colours leap right off the screen. And it seems a lovely pattern.
    Fox : )

  8. Grandson invasion is so worth the wait . . . and I will wait 'cause this is looking bright and beautiful. Karen in OR
