
24 December 2012

A guessing game!

Before I start - a warning.  I've had to put the captcha test back on my comments.  I DO hope this doesn't put you off commenting but I was getting so much spam it was beginning to annoy the old git.

Now to my real post!  I was a war baby. Born in 1943 when rationing was on and things were tight financially.  

One of my earliest memories around the time I started tatting was that I could just afford to buy patterns and threads on a meagre amount of pocket money.  

Patterns (both books and leaflets) were few and far between 'back then'.  I bought every leaflet that was published during those teenage years and one doily really appealed to me.  I made it several times during my early years of tatting and a few weeks ago I decided that it was time to relax over the Christmas period and tat it again.

I'm not going to tell you which one I'm making - I'll leave you to guess over the next few days/weeks - if you want to.  I suppose it'll be good practice for the TIAS but in this case I'll be doing the tatting for you!!!!  I WILL tell you which one it is at the end, though.  

This time of tatting the doily I decided to use some of my new Lizbeth threads.  This part is made using size 20 Gold and the number is 611.


  1. Hi Jane
    Looking lovely so far,
    I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas

  2. I know I won't have a clue, but I will enjoy watching your progress!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. I remember thread at 10 cents a ball and a leaflet was a quarter. Shuttles where only metal and expensive, I think they where a dollar. As soon as I could afford more than one shuttle I did.

  4. Hello Jane,
    Wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas Season. I enjoy single shuttle patterns. This is a beautiful start for a doily.

  5. I know which one it is!! - I remember the post in which you last talked about it. But I am not telling!It's Christmas here - enjoy the festivities.

  6. I don't know which one but I have N idea, off to rush to the books next. Happy Christmas to you and yours, thank you for a yar of smiles and ideas!

  7. Its 6am on Christmas morning and the house is quite (gota love teenagers). Have a Merry Christmas with those you hold close. Thankyou for all the joy you bring to my day, I always read you every day. I look forward to watching the doily evlove.

  8. Thank you for commenting on such a busy day everybody. Happy Christmas to you all - I'll be tatting all through the festivities when I'm not snoozing in the chair or eating too much!!

  9. That is going to be a very pretty doily.
    I too remember the posts about your earlier tatting, but haven't the time to look them up.
    May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Tatting New Year. Blessings to you and all your family during this season.
