
22 December 2012

Oval earrings

First of all thanks for all the suggestions yesterday - they all got my adrenaline going and I'm so grateful.

Now, do you remember these earrings from a few weeks ago?  Well I had one or two people who commented (and quite rightly) that they'd be lovely IF there was a version not on doodads because not everybody can get hold of them - or probably don't want to either!!!  I decided that they were quite right, of course so off I went on another journey!!!

Well this time I had to find a way of adding a bead to the centre of the earring but as I was using a self closing mock ring to start the design off I then had to wangle a way of doing that.  Well, this led to this new page having to be made!!!  I realise that this technique has been done before but the more places that techniques are shown then (IMHO) the better!

This has inevitably led to the 'need' for an oval pendant to go with them which is where my journey is now heading!!!  I hope to have both patterns ready shortly after Christmas. - Etsy shop - Tatting patterns


  1. You're right, sometimes one explanation leads to that aha moment when another doesn't, so the more the merrier! Love the oval shape.

  2. Dazzling! You've really been keeping that brain cell #3 busy!

  3. Those are very nice. I like the white and black, very elegant

  4. Wow Jane, these are perfect! The multi colored one are beautiful but can limit what you can wear them with, but these will go with ANYTHING! I'm anxiously awaiting the pattern!!

  5. Great earrings!! :)

  6. Wonderful Merry Christmas
