
6 December 2012

Last 3 button snowflakes

OK, now this is the last - I promise.  I may show you a couple of pictures with the whole lot together just so you can see how stupidly addicted I've been over the past few weeks.

I like the bottom one best but also the middle one in which I changed slightly how I've been working them.  For some reason I thought the best way to work the pattern was to use the plain thread on the outside as a sort of 'border'.  In the middle one I did it t'other way round and I think it looks better but maybe it's because I love that particular HDT!!!  

Who knows when you live with an entity like brain cell 3 who comes and goes with worrying regularity!!!!


  1. Say it isn't so! Surely you haven't exhausted all of the color and bead possibilities! Yes, please... I would like to see a photo of all of your wonderful Fandango Snowflakes together!

  2. Got thread, beads but NO buttons. Oh no!

  3. Such an intriguing pattern, Jane. I must try it soon.
    Fox ; )

  4. They look good enough to eat!

  5. All are very beautiful!!! :)

  6. What is the multicolored in the middle? It is lovely.

  7. Oh, Susie, I don't know. It's one of my HDT's which isn't named. I'm sorry.

  8. Wow, Jane, these are so pretty! I wouldn't mind if you make more and post pictures. I just noticed, thanks to Diane, that these are made with the Fandango split-ring pattern.

    I just made your tatted goose--take a look!

  9. Oh, esoraleak, I love your goose. just made me smile because we have a lot of Canada geese in our town and they 'take over' the swans which we want to keep. They're not welcome here!!! I keep telling them to go back where they belong which is anywhere but here!!!! Off to leave a comment on your blog.
