
7 December 2012

I blame several people for this!

First of all Irma who sent these.  Secondly Miranda who sent these.  Thirdly the lass who really got us all thinking about doodads again by challenging us - Diane.

I got to thinking about the doodads and wondered if anything else could be done with them that hasn't yet been thought about.  Well, actually, I sort of thought about this pattern that I did donkey's years ago.  I wondered if the same sort of thing could be made on a doodad.  Well, it can!!!  It's a whole new pattern but really, really easy as it's only rings and chains.  

Nick said 'very pretty, but why did you make it?'.  Good question - like Everest - it was 'there' (in my head!) so had to be conquered.  I know what he really meant was what on earth would you use it for!!! Well I think it would be a sweet little box for a gift for somebody.

As it measures only just over an inch in size a pretty ring or a yummy special chocolate would fit in it.  I haven't lined mine but it could be easily lined.  I leave you to decide if it's useless or if it's useful.  I'd love suggestions on what it could be used for, though!!!

Before I forget - the pattern's here!


  1. I love this little box and yes it looks wonderful with a doodad.

  2. It's beautiful - and with a gift inside, would be two gifts in one!

  3. That's so cute. Perfect for small treasures.

  4. I love it! I know three little girls, ages 4, 8, and 10, who would be thrilled to get one for Christmas. I wonder if there's time? Maybe I'll shoot for birthdays instead. Thanks for sharing your pattern, Jane!

  5. Anonymous11:39 am

    This is so unusual, it is just lovely thank you for sharing this wonderful idea!

  6. That is so adorable. I love it.

  7. I adore this little box, and my favorite color too! Anything small would be great but a tatted ring or brooch? Hint-Hint I think you have a few:)

  8. I love it! I think I am going to try and make my great aunt (who taught me to tat) one. First I have to find some doodads. I have really loved seeing the things you have done with doodads! I also love the button snowflakes you have been making recently. I have made a couple of those and plan to make more. I think this box would be perfect for putting a ring or two in.

  9. Love, love, love this! I cannot believe that you thought of this and I didn’t only because in my stained-glass-artist-days, I used to sell little glass boxes at Christmas time! Marvellous idea, Jane!
    Fox ; ))

  10. FABULOUS!! OF COURSE I LOVE IT! A 3-D TATTED BOX!! It's just ADORABLE-and great use of doodads! And you've already written the pattern and instructions!! This has been a wonderful year of design and innovation in TatLand, and you have certainly taken the ball and run with it! You are so amazing!

    I've always felt that one can never have enough little boxes! I have decorated a LOT of boxes with tatted motifs, and given many as gifts and kept many for myself! But these are definitely special!! And I think they are quite practical!! For instance, a red and green one could hold special Christmas pins or earrings. And there's Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, and birthdays, and weddings!!!

    Can't wait to make these!

  11. This is just lovely. With a small memento inside, I was thinking that this would make a nice gift for a bride to give to her bridesmaids.

  12. Oh my, how lovely!!! thx for sharing

  13. Oh yes but you have more up your sleeve Jane, don't you?!! Or should I say on your shuttle!?
    You wait until you see her next pattern everyone!!

    1. OK Sally! Now you've got our attention! Really, when does she sleep? :)

    2. Answer, Kathy, is sometimes!!!!

  14. oooh that's cool =)

  15. That is just sooo cute! It's just the right size to put a little something special in - as you say, a ring, earrings, chocolate...- then hang it on the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning.

  16. Anonymous6:30 pm

    This is just perfect Jane! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern. It's adorable.

  17. Oooh! how delightful and my favourite colours too. I would line it and have it as a thimble keeper. Those dodads are perfect and you are so clever at finding uses for them.

  18. Oh that's pretty, and such a good idea for a special gift! You are so talented, and so generous with your patterns. Season's Greetings to you! :)

  19. Wow, it's so pretty! Perfect for a sweet little gift. Thank you for sharing the pattern!

  20. Nagyon tetszik a doboz, nekem is van ilyen köztesem, nagyon szép:-)

  21. Totally sweet!! :)

  22. Anonymous7:32 pm

    WHen i was a child, I used to love having small boxes to put treasures in. Like a coughdrop box. I might only have a couple of pennies, but I like having the secret box to put them in.

  23. What girl doesn't like to little box. This is perfect. Thanks so much for all you share with us.
    Merry Christmas.

  24. What girl doesn't like to little box. This is perfect. Thanks so much for all you share with us.
    Merry Christmas.

  25. oh, it is precious! I love the colors! I’m looking at blogs before I go to dialysis. Catching up. I still have no good result when I try to tat..hand is just too numb for good tension with no feeling in it!

    I REALLY wish I could make this box as I seem to have acquired a lot of ‘doodads’ since 2007.

    hugs P

  26. Mint egy kis ékszerdoboz....gyönyörű.....
