
8 December 2012

The rest of the Fandango Button Snowflakes

Before I mention the snowflakes I must apologise that there was a missing chain between ring 3 and ring 4 on the new Doodad Box which I told you about yesterday.

I think this must have happened when I was setting the diagrams and text in the tables on the word document.  In fact it was Riet (bless her cotton socks) who told me about the missing chain and when I tried to put it right by copying another chain and pasting it in the darn thing wouldn't work.  Strange gremlins in this house at times!!  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it - so THERE!!!!!  It's now fixed and I'd like to say a big thank you to Riet too.

So, here are some of the snowflakes all in one place.  Yawn, yawn, yawn!!!


  1. So many colours! Today it is the green-and-white which jumps out at me!

  2. They look fabulous together! I didn't notice the missing piece, because I haven't had a chance to read the pattern yet. Thank you, Riet!

  3. Love that green and orange beauty near the bottom... I have yet to get this pattern tatted ...soon...
    Fox : ))

  4. Lovely the orange one near the top jumps out at me, lovely colours

  5. Pretty colors. I love color.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Winter sure is colourful around your house! I'm glad that you have finally 'got it out of your system' (the fandango flake, that is). A very Happy Christmas to you and Nick and roll on January and the TIAS. I think the latter should have its own advent calendar!

  8. OK, so I didn't know that the first comment had 'taken' - Blogger flummoxed me. It is gone now.

  9. I let the two through, Suzanne, cause they were slightly different. No worries - I'm sure I do the same thing sometimes when I get flummoxed!

    1. Never did manage to quote myself verbatim. What are my chances of quoting anybody else correctly? :-) T-I-A-S! T-I-A-S! T-I-A-S! Simply can't wait.
