
4 December 2012

More snowflakes and Information on Blogger photos.

Here are some more of the Fandango Button Snowflakes.  I must admit I'm still addicted to these but that is sort of beginning to wear off a bit!!!

Today I'm going to tell you how to reduce the size of photos (or scans) in your blog.  Blogger uses Picasa to store photos and there's a limit to how much storage you can have with them which is fair enough as it is, after all, free.    You can pay for more storage but for most of us in these lean times that's not something we want to do!!!  

Some people upload photos without re-sizing them which is part of blogging that a lot of people don't think about.  I've been lucky in that I've made web sites and know a bit about storage levels.  Anyway, the way to sort out the Picasa/Blogger problem with storage if you don't want to pay for more is like this.  Well, it's the way I found by 'poking around'.

First go to your Picasa album online and sign in, check your storage amount as in the first picture below - this shows the amount of storage I've got left after about six years of blogging and reducing my sizes along the way.  You can find this at the bottom of the home/first page in Picasa.
Now start the hunt for your over large photos.  You can see how big they are at the right -  picture below.  Now if it's larger than 500 pixels on either dimension I'd suggest re-sizing it.  For this you need to go to where it says 'actions' (top and slightly to left of this same picture) and pull down the drop down menu.  Choose 'edit in Creative Kit'.  

This will open up another feature in which you can see at the bottom left a link which says 'resize'. 
Now choose the size you want but don't forget to tick in 'keep proportions'.    I made mine 500 for the largest size.  Now use 'apply' and then go to the top right hand corner where it says 'Save to my album'.  Choose 'replace' and that's it!!!  Takes time to do it but will save you having to pay for more storage space OR giving up blogging!!!
Now for the boring snowflakes!!!!


  1. Thank you for the information, I will keep everything small in future, lovely snowflakes, I like the green one the best.

  2. Thanks for the info, Jane! I'll have to check my Picasa settings, something I've never paid attention to before. I love your Fandango Button Snowflakes. They're so cheerful!

  3. Not boring at all! Lovely. Thanks for the info. I haven't had a problem yet, but forewarned is forearmed!

  4. Thank you Jane for this pliece of information. I have never resized my photos in Picasa, but I make it a habit to re-size any photos using the Microsoft application in my computer before uploading to my blog. Usually my picture size is never larger than 700 pixels

  5. Your snowflakes are so cheerful and colorful!

    Thanks so much for this photo information! I'll be more aware of this from now on!

  6. I don't know how to go to my Picasa album online and sign in. How do I do that?

  7. Those snowflakes are in no way boring!!! They are all so gorgeous!!! :)

  8. Madtatter. Google 'Picasa' and then click on the link that says 'Picasa Web Albums: free photo sharing from Google'. Log into your account (same login as your blog) and then carry on from there!!! Hope you find it. If not drop me an email!!

  9. I had no idea there was an issue about photo sizes, was just merrily posting them on my blog without re-sizing, big mistake. Thanks Jane, after working so very hard re-sizing photos and scans I hopefully can return to blogging

  10. These colorful snowflakes are so cheerful! I can't decide which is my favorite, they're all so pretty with the different bead and thread color combos.
    Thanks much for the Picasa info, it's very helpful.

  11. Thanks for the info on Picasa. Like your tatting instructions, these are very clear.
    Boring snowflakes? Yours? LOL! NEVER! Tatting rules the world!

  12. Thanks Jane! I didn't realize that we had photo storage limits. I now know I don't have to worry for a while-I'm using almost 4% of my limit! I do generally resize my photos, so I guess I need to blog more. I'm actually surprised that some people have filled their 1 gigabyte limit.

  13. Thanks so much for the re-sizing info, Jane! I had an issue with blogger and checked my limits, but I'm only at 26%. I think I'll have to make my pics smaller.
    Those snowflakes are anything but boring!

  14. Very useful knowledge, Jane! Thanks a bucket!

    I'm fascinated just getting eye candy from your fandango buttons! Love this last green one with some dots of red. Oops, this may not be the last?

  15. Jane: I just want to confirm that your instructions are superb and work! I've done some re-edits now. :)

  16. Thanks Jane for the picasa info, always helpful to know your limits and how to get things done. I nearly always resize my pictures, I use Irfanview that way my pictures are resized in my computer for whatever use I need. It is a free picture editing software. Until a few people mentioned lately that they had issues, I had never checked my usage limit. I have only used 15% so I am good to go for a while.

    I like the snowflakes.

  17. I was one of those that did not realize photos should be resized to save space. I was having issues with not being able to upload any more photos to my blog without paying for additional storage space. I began the TASK of resizing my photos last is a slow process and I have nearly 800 photos to resize. I got a good start on the resizing last night I am down to 40% of my total storage being used. THANK YOU for this very helpful information!

  18. Whew! I re-sized some 140 pictures. Some, I also cropped, as that just added to the space saving. From now on I'll know to make sure my pics are small enough in the first place. I had only used up 17% but I thought it was better to do it now, as in a few years, when I had that many again.
    Thanks for your help, Jane.
