
3 December 2012

Oval earrings

Another shape of doodad - and another pair of earrings.  I made these a month or more ago but have only just remembered that I haven't 'blogged' them yet.

When I showed these to Sally she said 'oh, not sure about the orange and pink together'.  

It's more of a ruby colour in real life and I love the two together, sorry Sally!!!!

These are made on an oval doodad but I'm not sure if it's really worth finishing off the pattern properly as it will have limited appeal - what do you think?  Are these doodads easy to get hold of and if so does anybody want to make the earwigs?

Oh, another 'thing' while I'm thinking about it.  Some people seem to have reached their limit on pictures in blogger - this is cause a lot of their images are photographs and they take up a lot of space.  They're not allowed any more room in Picasa unless they pay.  Poor Sally was one of those who found out last week about her limit having been reached.  So after a bit of 'poking around' I found the solution.  It's not hard at all but is a bit time consuming and VERY addictive!!  If you want to know more email me - or I could do a blog post as well.  


  1. I'm not a fan of orange and pink but I think these work! Very pretty!

    What solution is there about Sally's problem? Do share it here. :)

  2. Orange and pink are fabulous together! - but I don't wear, or tat earrings, and even if I did, it is impossible to buy doodads here. I have tried!

  3. Lovely earrings, I would like to know the answer to the question.

  4. I have to disagree with Sally. I like the orange beads. I'm glad you found a solution for Sally's blog,

  5. I'm very curious as to the solution you found with photo storage. For some kinds of blogs, photos are quite necessary. If you can find a bit of time to post about that, know that it WILL get read!

  6. Those are very sharp!!! I love how fun they look!!! :)

  7. It's always great to have earring patterns on hand, and these look great, as usual! I myself don't wear earrings often - partly because I need to wear the clip type and they are either too tight or too loose. This pattern would also make an attractive pendant as well! These colors are festive!

    Please DO share your expertise about this photo issue. What confuses me about my Picasa Album is that it shows duplicate and triplicate thumbnails of the same photo, and I have no idea if they are counting those as well. I don't dare delete any because I don't know which is the 'real' photo attached to my blog!

    I've also been confused about photo sizes, etc, and even what 1GB means. One person on a Blogger forum said he has used only 37% of the allowance, but keeps getting a message that he is over the limit. The answer from Blogger was that this is a 'known issue' (last Oct.) and they were 'working on it'! I don't know if that person's issue was resolved or not.

  8. love the earrings. I think the pattern would be worth writing up. If one could not find an oval doodad, perhaps an oval ring would work! I also think a blog post about your cure for pictures would be wonderful.

  9. I like your earrings, is there a possible substitute for the doodads if someone doesn't have any?

    as for the picture solution, that would be a great thing for every one to know. I have a lot of pictures in my picasa as well, but haven't run into the problem of too many yet, so would be interested in the solution. So please blog about it. Thank you.

  10. Thanks to everybody for their comments. I'm working on a post for tomorrow about the blog photos and re-sizing them. Hope it'll help somebody. Please remember - I'm NOT an expert on this and there maybe an easier way but we'll find out from others if there is.

  11. Cute earrings! Since filigrees are all different, people could just use the pattern to get inspiration and hints from, then it might help them to design around whatever filigree they might happen to have.
    I'd like to know about the Picasa details, too. I'm surprised that I haven't yet reached my limit, as I have a "bezillion" photos in there.

  12. I kind of like the pink and orange together... too bad I can't wear earrings!

  13. I do like the oval shape of the earrings, but the oval doodads might be a bit hard to find. Could you do a non-doodad version?

    (Sorry if this is a duplicate - my original comment disappeared after I signed in to Google.)

  14. Yes, GraceT - that's next on my 'to do' list which is getting longer and longer!!!

  15. I love the pattern Jane, would love to see you publish it! the "doodads" are pretty easy to get in the states at least...

  16. Hi, Gina. I will finish off the pattern shortly and also do a 'non doodad' version too. You are very lucky to be able to get doodads so easily. My solution here is to buy necklaces made of 'doodad type' things and use those. I'm wicked with a pair of pliers!!!!

  17. Its so much nice and sweet earrings which you have shared with us.Its look so much adorable.

    turquoise earrings
