
17 December 2012

The Ice Queen

Today I'm going to show you Frivole's beautiful Ice Queen design.  Well it would've been better if I'd used smaller beads for the centre but then it was an 'emergency' test tat and those were  available in the cupboard and in a colour that would 'almost' go with the bugle beads.

The test tat really didn't involve any 'work' as such on my part as the pattern was great and easy to follow.

One thing however led to a discussion with Frivole on one part!!!  Just shows that two tatters can think in parallel ways!!

I must admit I was foxed by the term MR and then TR.  The MR (which I would also consider a chain)  and TR (which is a thrown ring - or in 'Jane' a ring on a chain) is a canny way of avoiding an SCMR for those of a nervous disposition.  Clever, lass is Frivole.  I worked it out though and instead did an SCMR!!!  I'm an awkward OG!!!!

Which reminds me - must finish a new technique page based on a new idea with the SCMR!


  1. Gorgeous snowflake and beautiful pattern

  2. Lovely icy snowflake!

  3. Fabulous snowflake!! :)

  4. The snowflake is very pretty. Love it.

  5. Anonymous1:32 pm

    This is a beautiful pattern and the beads look lovely!
