
18 December 2012

An Ebay win

Sometimes there are things on Ebay that are soooo tempting.  Not because they're valuable or something I 'need' but just because they are cheap or SOOOOOOO pretty.

This collection of Milward shuttles and an England Aero just screamed out at me as nobody seemed to want to give them a good home.  There was only one other bidder.  I always worry that if something isn't 'won' on Ebay the seller just might throw the item/items away.  The brass shuttle also cried out to me as it's been very, very used and loved in the past.  

Now the 'thing' that puzzles me is the pretty tool that came with the collection.  Does anybody know what it is?

I've sort of got a feeling it might be for removing pins on a bobbin lace pillow but I'm not sure.  It's been hand painted and I love it for the reasons that it's been loved too.


  1. Son muy hermosas. Felicitaciones!!!!!

  2. You are correct, it is a pin lifter from bobbin lace. Is there a signature on it? Looks very pretty and well used.

  3. good win, jane! oh those milward shuttles... remind me of my misfortune. that pretty tool is definitely used for (you guessed it right!) pulling out pins on a lace cushion.

  4. Thanks, folks. I'll take a look in a minute, Geraldine and let you know if there is. I don't think so, though.

  5. interesting - I have never seen one before. Someone loved it enough to do the hand painting

  6. Oui, Jane c'est bien un outil pour enlever les épingles sur un métier à dentelle aux fuseaux... J'en possède plusieurs faisant de la dentelle moi même..

  7. Great win! I keep looking for Milward shuttles, but I don't see them very often. I have one, and I really like it. I'm afraid of losing it, so I keep it in my shuttle display case and use it for special projects that I only work on at home.

    I worry that much loved shuttles will be discarded also. That's as good a reason for purchasing a lot of shuttles as I can think of!

  8. lucky you.
    that brass shuttle is interesting.

  9. Yes, agree, it's a pin lifter and I've got one just like it for my bobbin lace, particularly when I was doing Honiton lace (though mine is not as pretty!). Wow, can't believe there weren't many bidders for that many shuttles in one go - Milwards are always popular... and Aeros!

  10. Lucky you wish I had seen them, Those lovely milwards I still use mine every day.

  11. Congratulations on your big win!

  12. I love those well-loved items also! Funny little tools that end up in these collections. I have no idea what that one is, but hand-painted is always at the top of my list :)
